Why the T-62 Keeps Rolling: Soviet-designed Cold War weapons systems have a knack for remaining operational long past their supposed expiration dates. You can...
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Why the T-62 Keeps Rolling: Soviet-designed Cold War weapons systems have a knack for remaining operational long past their supposed expiration dates. You can...
Iran Did the Unthinkable in a 2002 Wargame – In 2002, the Pentagon convened a fictitious wargame to test a future enemy equipped with advanced...
Middle East expert and In-House Defense Expert Maya Carlin on why the Iran-Iraq War was so horrific: When Iraq invaded Iran in 1980, President...
Few service members who carried the M14 will tell you that they liked the rifle. Most will tell you that they either loved it...
Russia: Down But Not Out in 2023 – What a difference a new year makes. That is the adage that Russia is working toward...
Russia’s T-34 Tank, a History: In response to my recent 1945 articles on the ubiquitous Soviet-designed MiG-21 “Fishbed” and MiG-23 “Flogger” jet fighters, a couple...
Quoth John F. Kennedy, “Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” As a patriotic American in general, and a former U.S....
We know that the Russians have been experimenting with the weaponization of artificial intelligence (AI), but we have seen no decisive evidence that they...
Following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping just this week, U.S. President Joe Biden promised there would be no “new Cold War” with...
History shows that Russia does not hesitate to throw tremendous resources into a war effort. It can take severe numbers of deaths and casualties...