A tool is only as useful as the person who uses it, and when it comes to military small arms a weapon is only...
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A tool is only as useful as the person who uses it, and when it comes to military small arms a weapon is only...
In January, the Russian forces launched a large-scale offensive in the Donbas. More than two-and-half months into the offensive and the Russian military has...
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) experienced remarkable success on the battlefield following World War II due in part to a Western influx of weaponry....
The Ukrainian forces have, too, been suffering heavy losses, especially in defense of Bakhmut. But Kyiv has done a better job at force generation...
The U.S. Army has also selected Raytheon Technologies to advance its design for the Long Range Maneuverable Fires program, intended to become PrSM Increment...
Perhaps of greatest significance, Army weapons developers are already thinking of next-generation applications of hypersonic weapons by developing a “tech insertion” program aimed at...
Regardless of the White House’s intent, Iran is inching toward becoming a nuclear state. When this inevitably occurs, conflict will erupt. Israel’s Begin Doctrine...
On day 397, the Russian military and Wagner Group mercenary group are still struggling to pierce the Ukrainian defenses in the Donbas, and the...
China sent copies of the U.S. M16 rifle, manufactured by North Industries Group Corporation Limited (Norinco), to a Russian company called Tekhkrim that does...
The video footage shows three AS90s positioned next to one another, with teams of five Ukrainian troops behind each artillery system. Each AS90 then...