Posted by open source intelligence watcher OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) several months ago, the clip is the latest to show how a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)...
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Posted by open source intelligence watcher OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) several months ago, the clip is the latest to show how a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)...
President Joe Biden’s flipping puts the flapjack cooks at IHOP to shame. Sadly, he’s not flipping delicious pancakes, but America’s strategic positions on sending certain...
While the Lancet has proven to be a capable weapon, Russia probably has a diminishing stockpile of this loitering munition.
The F-35 is spreading like wildfire throughout the free world to include NATO allies in Europe to include Poland, Germany, Finland, and Switzerland as...
The Tomahawks, torpedoes and missile tubes now in use have also probably been influenced by innovations woven into Sturgeon-class boats.
The now operational F-35C has made history as a first-of-its-kind, aircraft carrier-launched 5th-generation stealth fighter, a development that changed the maritime power projection abilities...
If we are going to save the all-volunteer force model, we must start by increasing the number of eligible candidates in the 17-24-year-old demographic....
The Neptune is derived from the Russian Kh-35 cruise missile and sports several enhancements. It is the missile that sank the Moskva.
Crime is plaguing America’s cities, chiefly those run by thug-hugging Democratoc mayors and left-wing, take-a-hoodlum-to-lunch “prosecutors.” Democrat-in-Chief Joe Biden seems to approve.
Donald Trump was a dynamic figure in American politics. Despite what his critics say, he did many things to change American politics—for the better....