Donald Trump’s energized, loyal base gives the former president an edge in the race for the 2024 GOP nomination – even despite being indicted...
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Donald Trump’s energized, loyal base gives the former president an edge in the race for the 2024 GOP nomination – even despite being indicted...
Politics is a messy game, Governor Newsom, and if you don’t want to get dirty, or mess up your well-coiffed hair, you shouldn’t play.
Ron DeSantis is going to win this thing. Just watch. Organization is what counts. And DeSantis is the organizer-in-chief whereas Trump continues being the...
Ron DeSantis is in a tough spot in that he’s promising Trump-style policies without the Trump-style sideshow drama. So, who would he pick for...
Former US President, and candidate for the presidency in 2024, Donald Trump has been indicted. Trump retained thousands – possibly over ten thousand –...
Donald Trump 2024: Save Social Security (and Bash Meatball Ron) – Social Security is seen by most Americans as their birthright. Created by President...
Ron DeSantis must make the case Warren G. Harding did in 1920 for why he was a better pick than the Democratic Party’s candidate.
When told about Biden’s fall at the Air Force Academy graduation earlier in the day and asked for comment, Donald Trump seemed genuinely concerned.
Fears of spiraling escalation seem, at this point, rather overblown. The war is fifteen months old and still limited to eastern Ukraine.
The Republican party seems to be fractured into two distinct sects: those who continue to stand by Donald Trump no matter what the costs,...