Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is easily the most identifiable elected politician of the “MAGA” coalition on the Right outside of former President Donald J. Trump.
In fact, she’s been affectionately labeled as “Donald Trump in high heels.”
There are even rumors that the flamboyant Georgia Republican is angling to become Trump’s running-mate in the 2024 Presidential Election, should the forty-fifth president become the GOP’s nominee for the third time in his life.
Marjorie Taylor Greene and Her New Boyfriend
A captain of controversy, MTG has again found herself in the center of a Left-wing whirlwind. This time it’s not over a statement she made or a policy position she articulated.
Instead, the controversy emanates from the Left’s reaction to a decade-old video of her boyfriend dressed as a woman.
MTG is a recent divorcee who has entered into a new relationship with a man named Brian Glenn, who is a journalist by trade.
Initially, he worked in various local news stations around the country. Today, he is a reporter for the conservative Right Side Broadcasting network. Ten years ago, as a journalist working in Dallas, Tex., Glenn reported on a local stage play. Part of his reportage entailed him dressing in drag.
Leftist internet sleuths have plumbed the depths of the web to uncover the offending photos. After bringing them to the light, the Left manufactured a tiny bit of outrage directed against one of their favorite targets (who loves getting free publicity such as this), MTG, and attempted to smear her and her boyfriend, Glenn, of being anti-trans.
The interesting thing about this claim is that MTG is anti-trans. She has never hidden that fact. Her position on the trans movement matches that of her party.
It’s not nearly as serious of a dunk on MTG as the Left had thought.
What’s more, the Left conveniently forgets that, going back to the ancient world, men have often dressed as women as part of performances (during Shakespeare’s days women often were not performers so men had to play both the roles of biological males and females). It is only recently—as in the last decade or so—that dressing in drag has become a sign of serious political enlightenment for at least part of the country.
This is not meant to excuse or attack the pro-trans part of America’s electorate. It is merely to point out that the manufactured outrage over a reporter trying to be entertaining in order to generate more ratings for their story isn’t as controversial as they seem to believe.
Reporters both at the local and national level do crazy stunts to garner ratings for their stories. Some are more shameless than others. But the point is that this is not new either.
The Left hates MTG (and she hates them). It’s a match made in Hell. But spending time and resources trying to prove that MTG and her boyfriend are opponents of the trans community is silly. MTG and Glenn will tell you about their opinions on that subject freely. It’s actually an attempt by the Left to stifle free speech by character assassinating someone they disagree with rather than just talking to them.
And stifling free speech is a far greater threat to our democracy than anything that MTG has said about the trans community.
The real controversy here is that there exists a cottage industry on the Left which is aimed at creating what amounts to Orwellian “Two Minutes of Hate” sessions against those the Left believes to be political threats. They’re now looping in people, like Glenn, who are only nominally involved in MTG’s political endeavors.
The Left needs to quit trying to create controversies around their political foes and focus only on what their political foes do and say.
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.