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Gavin Newsom Is Nothing But a Sad Joke

Politics is a messy game, Governor Newsom, and if you don’t want to get dirty, or mess up your well-coiffed hair, you shouldn’t play. 

By Gage Skidmore. Governor Gavin Newsom speaking with attendees at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.

In a tweet on Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom made a veiled threat to arrest Ron DeSantis for sending illegal immigrants to California, charging Florida’s governor with “kidnapping.” 

He also decried DeSantis as a “small and pathetic” man saying the Florida governor is using migrants as political pawns. 

This comes from a governor who has been proud to claim California as a “sanctuary state.” 

Newsom followed up with a tweet on Wednesday that began by saying, “Let’s level set here.” 

I’m not quite sure what kind of Hollywood jargon “level set” is, but it was enough to make me spit out my morning coffee. 

Given what he wrote next, I’m assuming he meant he wanted to lay out the facts of the case. At least as he saw them. 

“A governor had to send his taxpayer funded operation to ANOTHER state to find people to use as pawns. He lied to them. Bussed them to yet another state. Flew them on a taxpayer funded charter flight. Then dumped them on the steps of a catholic charity.” 

In an interview with Jacob Soboroff on the Today Show, a quite disturbed Newsom denounced DeSantis:

“He’s flailing. Desperate for attention. Let’s just level set here.” And in case you didn’t read it or hear it the first time, he said it again. “Level set.” With a two-finger point. 

Okay, Gavin. We get it. You like the phrase “level set.” 

Newsom loves to claim that DeSantis’s acts dehumanize migrants. 

I’ll count leaving homeless drug addicts on the street to defecate in public as something more dehumanizing than giving people a free ride to what is a self-declared sanctuary state. 

The office of the Florida governor confirmed two migrant flights were arranged that arrived in Sacramento, CA. In a video on Fox News, the migrants didn’t exactly seem degraded. Elated is more like it.  

According to the report, the migrants signed waivers to go to California voluntarily. 

Martha’s Vineyard

In his interview on NBC, Newsom went on to say, “We are not Martha’s Vineyard” and to make sure he didn’t offend any brethren in his elite social circles, “I love Martha’s Vineyard … we’re not Marth… this is California… fourth or fifth economy on planet earth. We mean business.” 

Again, I couldn’t keep a straight face watching this video. 

Last year, DeSantis made a similar move sending two planes with mostly Venezuelan and Colombian adults and children to Martha’s Vineyard. Similarly, there were signed copies of consent forms from all the immigrants. 

Like Newsom, a civil rights law firm tried to sue DeSantis with a federal class action lawsuit for the stunt, saying the migrants were “fraudulently induced to travel across state lines by DeSantis.” The case was dismissed in February by a Florida judge. 

Financial Solvency

It’s sad that one of the world’s largest economies is in a heap of debt, unusual for a state government. According to a U.S. News and World Report ranking, California ranks 39 in fiscal stability for states. Florida is ranked 13.

California recently had to default on $18.5 billion debt, leaving state businesses to clean up the mess via higher business taxes.  

Just last month Newsom announced the state’s deficit has grown to almost $32 billion. 

Meanwhile, on the other coast, Florida has a balanced budget provision requiring the state to not carry a budget deficit. DeSantis recently approved a state budget that included $1.4 billion in tax breaks, $12 million for migrant relocation programs, $75 million for a Job Growth Grant Fund, and close to $6 million for Everglades Restoration projects. 

Reap What You Sow

What Newsom calls “pathetic” and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre calls “dangerous and unacceptable,” I call savage. 

Democrats are notorious for putting nice sounding policies in place with unintended, or possibly just ignored, consequences that cause real damage. Just look at EV policy

They’ve created an open border allowing illegal immigrants to pour across the border with no plan in place to assimilate new citizens into the economy or culture of the country. 

When they are held accountable for their actions, they run. 

Politics is a messy game, Governor Newsom, and if you don’t want to get dirty, or mess up your well-coiffed hair, you shouldn’t play. 

Or maybe, like Mayor Eric Adams, you should just open up the governor’s mansion in Sacramento to all those you claim to welcome with open arms. 

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Written By

Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor for She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.