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Putin’s Problem: Russia Is Blowing Up Bridges to Stop Ukraine’s Counterattack

Russian Military TOS-1. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
Russian TOS-1 firing. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

Ukrainian Counteroffensive Slowed By Russia Destroying Bridges – In a turn of events, it is now the Russians who are blowing bridges in eastern Ukraine in an attempt to slow a Ukrainian counteroffensive around the city of Kharkiv, the country’s second-largest city. 

In an operational report from Saturday morning, the Ukrainian General Staff reported that while their forces had pushed Russian artillery forces back north and east of Kharkiv, in the areas of Tsyrkuny and Rusky Tsyhky, the Russians had destroyed “three bridges trying in order to slow the counteroffensive actions of Defense Forces.” 

Kharkiv is a strategic city located just 25 miles from the Ukrainian-Russian border and has been under constant artillery and missile bombardment since the opening hours of the Russian invasion. Along with the capital city of Kyiv, it was one of the earliest objectives of the Russian military. But due to fierce Ukrainian resistance, it has remained in Ukrainian hands. 

The ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive may be pushing Russian forces back far enough to drive them out of conventional artillery range to target Kharkiv. They would still be able to use missiles and air attacks, but it would be a major victory for the Ukrainian military. It also has the effect of interdicting Russia’s already tenuous supply line chain that connects their forces in the separatist-held lands of Donestk and Luhansk.

The General Staff also reported that Russian forces made very few offensive actions in areas in the east for the second consecutive day. They continue, however, to conduct surveillance and to conduct airstrikes. Intelligence estimates believe that they are using this brief respite to rearm and reorganize their forces for a renewed push to secure all of Donetsk and Luhansk. 

In the south, the General Staff added that Russian forces had continued to shell the city of Mykolaiv. Ukrainian forces said they had destroyed “a warehouse with ammunition and up to 20 units of enemy military equipment.”

British Intelligence Says Russia’s Military Significantly Weaker

The UK Ministry of Defense, which has had excellent intelligence throughout the entire Russian invasion, has stated in its latest intelligence assessment that Russia’s military has been “significantly weakened” during the war with Ukraine. 

“Russia’s military is now significantly weaker, both materially and conceptually, as a result of its invasion of Ukraine. Recovery from this will be exacerbated by sanctions. This will have a lasting impact on Russia’s ability to deploy conventional military force,” the Defense Ministry posted on its Twitter account. 

Russian casualties have been horrendous in terms of both personnel and equipment. British intelligence estimates state that 25 percent of Russia’s 120 battalion tactical groups have been rendered combat ineffective. The losses in their elite fighting formations, such as their VDV airborne forces and Spetsnaz units, have been even worse. These casualty losses may take years to replace.


Russian artillery firing. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

Sanctions Russia

Russian military drilling with artillery. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

Russia Ukraine

Russian artillery system firing. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

“Some of Russia’s most elite units, including VDV Airborne Forces, have suffered the highest levels of attrition. It will probably take years for Russia to reconstitute these forces,” the Defense Ministry added.

The Golden Rule

The US Special Operations Command has long lived by the “Five SOF Truths” and three of them (#s 2-4) would apply to this situation facing the Russian forces:

  • Quality is better than quantity.
  • Special Operations Forces cannot be mass-produced.
  • Competent Special Operations Forces cannot be created after emergencies occur.

The Russian military is facing the best units in the Ukrainian military in the east, and coupled with more and more equipment coming from the West, their casualties will continue to be high.

Steve Balestrieri is a 1945 National Security Columnist. He has served as a US Army Special Forces NCO, and Warrant Officer before injuries forced his early separation. In addition to writing for and another military news organization for the past five years, he has covered the NFL for for more than 10 years. His work was regularly featured in the Millbury-Sutton Chronicle and Grafton News newspapers in Massachusetts.

Written By

Steve Balestrieri is a 1945 National Security Columnist. He has served as a US Special Forces NCO and Warrant Officer before injuries forced his early separation. In addition to writing for 1945, he covers the NFL for and his work was regularly featured in the Millbury-Sutton Chronicle and Grafton News newspapers in Massachusetts.