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AOC Is Truly Dangerous

AOC is becoming one of the loudest proponents of the Democrats’ troubling strategy of lying, smearing, dehumanizing, and ultimately vanquishing their Republican foes at all costs. 

AOC on CNN. Image: YouTube Screenshot.

AOC: A Threat To American Democracy? – Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) thinks that anyone who opposes her and her party are fascists.

Known for making both insane and stupid public comments (a hazardous combination, especially for an elected representative with a significant media presence and greater ambitions), AOC keeps doubling down on her mania. 

With news that Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News Channel, the Left is overjoyed. In between sad episodes of schadenfreude at the sight of their great media rival experiencing his downfall, AOC is taking things to the next level.

She is demanding that Tucker Carlson be publicly canceled lest his dangerous ideas find a new home.

After all, AOC and her fellow Democrats believe that they are the moral majority in the country today. As noted above, AOC truly thinks that Republicans—especially Tucker Carlson—are fascists. 

Who wouldn’t want to ban a fascist from having freedom of speech? 

Lie and Smear Rather Than Debate

To AOC and her fellow Democrats, Republicans aren’t just members of the opposing political party.

Republicans are actual enemies of the state seeking to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and replace it with their version of the “American Taliban”. 

Of course, neither Tucker nor any prominent figure, let alone ordinary voters on the Right are literal fascists. This is a grotesque smear that overzealous Leftists have concocted to deploy injudiciously against anyone who dares to question their orthodoxy. It’s also infinitely easier to besmirch and impugn a political opponent’s character rather than engage them in fair debate. 

Presciently, the day before he got his walking papers from Rupert Murdoch, the now former highly rated Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, elucidated his belief that the chance for open, honest debate among Left and Right-wing partisans is impossible today. The Left wants to destroy their Right-wing interlocutors. 

And to be fair, the Right has also displayed a decreasing interest in fair debate. Rather than support the complete character assassination of their Left-wing rivals, though, Republican partisans prefer the “own the Libs” mentality. 

Nevertheless, Carlson’s stark assessment from his Heritage Foundation anniversary gala dinner speech was correct: the Left, as evidenced by their love of shaming and canceling anyone they dislike, doesn’t care about coexistence with the Right. They want to orchestrate the destruction of the Right. 

As a prominent rising star on the Left, AOC is becoming one of the loudest proponents of the Democrats’ troubling strategy of lying, smearing, dehumanizing, and ultimately vanquishing their Republican foes at all costs. 

AOC Doesn’t Do Facts

AOC has never met a fact that she didn’t want to either ignore or defile. That, too, is ironic given AOC’s obsession with sex and gender issues. Alas, Democrats always become what they behold. 

This is an individual who says that people like Tucker Carlson are dangerous because hate speech is akin to a hate crime (whatever that means), but then turns around and uses her powerful platform as a Congresswoman to attack the founder of the popular Libs of TikTok.parody account, Chaya Raichik, a private citizen, by lying about Raichik in public.

While AOC has an official ethics complaint lodged against her by the Heritage Action political action group (who filed the ethics complaint against AOC on behalf of Raichik recently), AOC will never suffer the kind of consequences for her actions that she demands her political rivals suffer for their words and actions (or, rather, the actions and words that AOC says these Republican rivals said). 

AOC Needs to Be Taken More Seriously (Because She’s Dangerous)

Many have written AOC off as a marginal figure in the power structure in Washington, D.C. who has a louder bark than her bite.

What people who say that fail to realize is that media presence is a key element for one’s rise to greater power. Usually, the greater the media presence, the more powerful you are in Washington, D.C. 

AOC has already clarified that she will not simply stay put in her current position as the elected representative. Rumors abound that AOC has her eye on Kirsten Gillibrand senate seat. In recent months, AOC has become increasingly more vocal—unhinged—taking extreme stances on whatever topics are trending in the news and on social media that day. 

This is not simply because she wants to remain relevant. It’s because she aspires toward much greater power—and the Democrats keep rewarding her (despite having little legislative achievements whilst a member of Congress). 

An individual, such as AOC, who brings little experience or achievement to her role as a legislator (other than grievances), who believes anyone who disagrees with her is akin to a Nazi, and who shamelessly self-promotes to elevate her status in the power structure is a highly dangerous person. 

There are other historical political figures who share striking similarities to AOC: fascists.

Please, America, stop empowering this particular woman. She is dangerous, and as her power grows, her threat to us will only increase.

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.