A President Kamala Harris would hardly be any sort of a moderate. Her assuming the presidency is a long shot. However, it could happen were she to have to step in should President Joe Biden need to step down or were he to die in office like eight of his predecessors. She was known in the Senate as being to the Left of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the only open Socialist in Congress.
Centrists have complained that the Biden administration is too far to the Left for their comfort. By all estimates a Harris administration would be even farther to the Left.
Her 2019 rating by the liberal Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) puts her at 80% compared with 60% for Sanders. The American Conservative Union (ACU) gives Harris a 4.94% rating compared with 6.05% for Sanders. By contrast, when President Joe Biden was a senator, the ACU gave him a lifetime 12.57% rating. Harris is also to the left of former President Barack Obama, who had a 7.69% rating from the ACU as a senator.
GovTrack rated Harris as “the most politically left” of all senators in 2019.
Harris the Progressive
An indication of Harris’ personal support of the far-Left emerged during the George Floyd riots in 2020. Harris tweeted her support for a bail fund for participants in the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis prior to being named as Biden’s running mate.
“If you’re able to, chip in now to the [Minnesota Freedom Fund] to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” Harris tweeted on June 1, 2020.
The bail fund had a history of releasing violent felons, some of who committed further violent acts after their release, Fox News Digital reported.
She developed a reputation as an ideological person while she was in the Senate.
“According to Manhattan Institute budget expert Brian Riedl, Harris has proposed a mind-numbing $46 trillion in new spending over the next decade. She supports the economically ruinous Green New Deal, Medicare-for-all and free taxpayer funded health care for undocumented immigrants. She is also an abortion zealot who has suggested that a faithful Catholic who belongs to the Knights of Columbus is unfit to serve as a federal judge. She opposes deportation of those who illegally enter the United States and once compared Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to the Ku Klux Klan,” Washington Post columnist Mark Theissen wrote prior to the 2020 election.
He argued that Harris’ supporters branded her a Centrist, but the fact she had strong support from the Progressive faction of the Democratic Party suggested otherwise.
Kamala Harris on Crime
On crime, Kamala Harris was a district attorney in San Francisco who received criticism for refusing to seek the death penalty for a gang member who killed a police officer in 2004.
As California’s attorney general, Harris appealed a judge’s ruling that the death penalty was unconstitutional.
Harris has supported the federal legalization of marijuana saying “no one should have to go to jail for smoking weed.” The vice president, herself, is an admitted past marijuana user. As a presidential candidate, Harris unveiled a plan to legalize marijuana and to reduce prison sentences.
While she was a senator, Kamala Harris argued her views on criminal justice were “Progressive” and aimed at making the system less about being tough on crime, which she treated as a relic of the 1990s and 2000s.
Harris on Healthcare
Her views on health care have varied depending on the circumstances. During a January 2019 presidential debate, Harris said she favored a government-run single-payer system then would have eliminated private health insurance.
“Let’s eliminate all of that,” Harris said of private insurers. “Let’s move on.”
However in a June 2019 debate, Harris modified her stance saying, “Medicare for All — in my vision of Medicare for All, it includes private insurance where people can have supplemental insurance.”
Her second answer was likely a politician’s answer. As president she would be able to set her own course.
Harris on Foreign Policy
On foreign policy, Harris has appeared confused in her public appearances, referring to America’s alliance with the “Republic of North Korea.” She has promoted a woke foreign policy as Joe Biden’s vice president by pushing LGBT rights and a hapless pushback against China’s expansion into Africa to the consternation of African nations like Ghana.
Harris on Gun Control
On guns, Harris has supported the banning of semi-automatic rifles that resemble military service rifles such as the AR-15. She favors tighter controls on gun manufacturers. Her comments have included ones calling for tighter controls on individuals with domestic violence convictions. She believes in stronger background checks.
Harris on Climate Change
Harris has strongly supported the Green New Deal, which opponents say outsources pollution to other countries and would make the U.S. more dependent on China.
“Climate change is an existential threat, and confronting it requires bold action. I’m a proud cosponsor of Senator Markey’s Green New Deal resolution,” Harris said in a statement while she was a senator. “Political stunts won’t get us anywhere. Combatting this crisis first requires the Republican majority to stop denying science and finally admit that climate change is real and humans are the dominant cause. Then we can get serious about taking action to tackle the climate crisis at the scale of the problem.”
A Harris administration would be to the left of both the Biden and the Obama administrations.
MORE: Kamala Harris Is a Disaster
MORE: Joe Biden – Headed For Impeachment?
John Rossomando was a senior analyst for Defense Policy and served as Senior Analyst for Counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for eight years. His work has been featured in numerous publications such as The American Thinker, Daily Wire, Red Alert Politics, CNSNews.com, The Daily Caller, Human Events, Newsmax, The American Spectator, TownHall.com, and Crisis Magazine. He also served as senior managing editor of The Bulletin, a 100,000-circulation daily newspaper in Philadelphia, and received the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors first-place award for his reporting.