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Democrats Have Declared War on the Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court has proven itself to be the last vestige of any semblance of constitutional order. 

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks, after paying respects and meeting with victims, family, first responders and law enforcement who were affected by the mass shooting committed by a gunman authorities say was motivated by racism, at Delavan Grider Community Center in Buffalo, NY, U.S. May 17, 2022. REUTERS/Leah Millis
U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks, after paying respects and meeting with victims, family, first responders and law enforcement who were affected by the mass shooting committed by a gunman authorities say was motivated by racism, at Delavan Grider Community Center in Buffalo, NY, U.S. May 17, 2022. REUTERS/Leah Millis

The Democrats Wage War on The Supreme Court – The Democratic Party has spent the last six years, since the rise of Donald J. Trump, proclaiming their commitment to preserving “Our Democracy.” Of course, the Democrats’ definition of “democracy” is and what most people’s definition of “democracy” is, happen to be lightyears apart. 

The American Left is democratic in the way that the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea is—in name only. Thus, their idea of democracy is anything they like (which is usually merely anything that supports their pretensions of absolute political power).

Anyone or any institution that so much as questions the Democratic Party’s agenda is not only a political opponent but a threat to “Our Democracy.”

Democrats Hate Democracy

The United States Supreme Court has proven itself to be the last vestige of any semblance of constitutional order. 

Long a target of the Left’s ire going back to the heady days when Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt was pushing through his New Deal agenda at the height of the Great Depression, anytime the Supreme Court has attempted to stop—or even slow—the Democratic Party’s radical plans for socially reengineering the United States, Democrats have gone to war with the institution.

After trying to pack the Supreme Court rather than deal fairly with the institution, FDR got his wrist slapped by the American public and his political enemies in Washington. That was a hard lesson to learn. But the lessons learned stuck with the Democrats for three generations. They never again tried something as brazen as court-packing. 

Instead, beginning in the 1960s and 70s, the Democrats began targeting the Supreme Court bench. 

The Left recognized that having majorities in Congress and a fellow Democrat in the White House when the Supreme Court needed a new jurist on the bench meant that they could legally cram the Court with their ideological allies. This is why Roe v. Wade became the law of the land (and several other socially Liberal laws). 

The United States in those days was far more traditional and conservative. 

Yet, thanks to Liberal attempts to ensure their people got on the bench, they were able to push through laws that back then would have never gotten through. The Republicans, always reactive and late to whatever insane party the Democrats were throwing, figured out around the late 1970s and early 1980s what, precisely the Democrats were doing with the bench. 

In conjunction with the rise of the Moral Majority on the Right—the so-called “theocons”—the Republican Party began viewing the race for the bench as an inherently political act. 

Vying for dominance on the Supreme Court bench (and in the lower federal courts) became a hot button campaign issue for both parties. 

Caught in the Culture Wars that the two political extremes were waging against each other, the Court was another hot potato. Its power could be wielded by the partisans of whichever side managed to secure majorities on the bench. That these positions were lifetime appointments elevated the importance of controlling the bench for both parties. 

Republicans finally got their act together and managed to prevent a Democratic Party majority from forming on the bench at the precise moment that the United States was becoming more Liberal. What’s more, thanks to former President Donald Trump, the Right got a six-to-three majority on the Supreme Court. 

Now, Republicans are enjoying the legal fruits of their successful outmaneuvering of the Democratic Party.

It’s driving the Democrats crazy. 

Unlike the GOP, which tends to just take whatever humiliations the Left can concoct whenever they enjoy a victory over the Right, the DNC isn’t taking their defeat lying down. 

Democrats Plan to Crush the Supreme Court 

They’re waging war on the institution itself. Eighty years after FDR got rebuffed from fundamentally altering the makeup of the court to favor the Democrats, the Left is seeking to pack the court again. 

Just for good measure, as well, the Democrats are now using bogus anti-corruption concerns to further delegitimize the conservative Supreme Court and to make the public more susceptible to their agenda for the changing the Court.

There’s another group that engages in such subversion to illegitimately acquire more power: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). For years, President Xi Jinping has rabidly pursued and crushed any political opposition to his autocratic reign under the imprimatur of “anti-corruption” campaigns. 

Democrats are doing precisely the same thing with the US Supreme Court. They can’t win there. Nor can the Left sway the majority conservative justices. So, the Left is simply going to crush the institution and rebuild it in their corrupt image after it is totally broken by their partisan warriors. 

The Left accuses Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of having illegally accepted free, expensive vacations for years from a wealthy conservative donor. The insinuation against Justice Thomas is that his legal decisions are being unduly influenced by these off-book bribes in the form of vacations. 

Of course, Thomas is a conservative who was nominated by a Republican president. It stands to reason that Thomas’ ideology and understanding of the law influence his decisions. And the most Democrats know this is true. 

But, in the quest for absolute power and control there are only those who are with you in your pursuit of power and those who stand opposed. Those who are against you must be crushed and their bones ground to dust.

Ted Cruz Defends Actual Democracy

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his fellow members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are being made to engage what the Texas Republican has called a “Kangaroo Circus”. 

Cruz picked his words well. They evoke images of the old Soviet Union in which political enemies were rounded up by authorities and taken to show trials where their guilt was predetermined and the charges against them were either entirely fabricated or trumped up to persuade the generally ignorant public they were deserving of the punishment. 

In a typically brilliant defense of Thomas and the other conservative jurists on the bench, Sen. Cruz highlighted how multiple Supreme Court justices accepted off-books vacations from major donors. He highlighted how Liberal justices, such as former Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, had a long history of having taken similar trips provided to them by Liberal donors. 

The Left doesn’t care about hypocrisy, though. It’s all about power. Cruz is smart to point out the silliness of their arguments. But that cannot be the end of his attack on the Democrats’ illegitimate position. He must garner whatever power at his disposal in the Senate (and the House GOP should do the same) to check the Left’s war on the Supreme Court. 

If the Democrats get their way and make the kind of fundamental changes to the court that they desire, America will never be the same.

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A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.