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America Needs Ron DeSantis (Not Donald Trump or Joe Biden)

Ron DeSantis must make the case Warren G. Harding did in 1920 for why he was a better pick than the Democratic Party’s candidate. 

By Gage Skidmore: Governor Ron DeSantis speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. Photo by Gage Skidmore.
By Gage Skidmore: Governor Ron DeSantis speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida.

The game is on in the 2024 Republican Party Presidential Primary. Former President Donald J. Trump, who continues to lead the pack by double-digits has a real competitor in Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis

Even though DeSantis is trailing Trump by 28 points, the campaign is still very young and DeSantis has much room to grow whereas Trump can only go down. Now is the time for DeSantis to perfect his game so that he can overcome Trump and be in the best position to trounce President Joe Biden.

DeSantis is struggling to answer a basic question that Republican primary voters are asking: why choose now to run rather than “wait your turn” in 2028?

What Governor DeSantis should say is: “Only I can return us to normal.”

Because, at its core, this is precisely what most Americans—regardless of party—are yearning for. 

Most of us can remember what normal was like. Many of us want very badly to return to that joyous time, period. That time when a cup of coffee cost less than $5 and someone could live comfortably with having only one job. A time – not that long ago – when they might have even been able to afford a nice home in a decent neighborhood while only working that one, decent-paying job –maybe a job with good benefits, too. 

Americans are tired. 

They’re tired of being called “racists”, “homophobes,” and “deplorables” by the current president. Most people, too, are worn out by the nonstop rage-tweeting and overall pettiness that has defined former President Trump’s political persona. In 2016, it was kitschy. In 2024, when so much is on the line, it’s aggravating to most people and makes them want to vote for the other guy. 

We, the People, want to return to a country where every little interaction and each move made by ordinary people is not regulated. 

Americans want to go back to a time in which politics is not an all-consuming event. When people could dislike their neighbors not because of their political preferences but because their neighbors’ dog keeps crapping on their yards.

Further, if an American does voice a political opinion or ask a basic question like, “What is a woman?” they don’t want to be digitally exiled by capricious, biased censors. 

Voters are over the division and chaos that weakens America and serves only the transnational, postmodern wealthy. 

They recognize that the system is breaking. But ordinary folks don’t want to burn that system down. At least not completely. Most just want someone who can put that system back together and make it work for the ordinary man and woman—as it once did, not that long ago in American life. 

During the caustic events of the pandemic, when the novel coronavirus was loosed upon the world from Wuhan, China, a “new normal” was created. One in which freedom was substituted with fear. In which the most mundane human interactions were viewed with suspicion. Common sense and decency were met with obscene derision by our self-styled elite (who routinely showed their disdain for the ordinary American and the normal lives they had fought so hard to build for themselves by using COVID and “equality” as an excuse to destroy the lives of those ordinary people). 

And in the midst of that, former President Donald J. Trump empowered the very forces seeking to impose a “new normal” of medical fascism upon us. It was the state of Florida, under the stewardship of Governor Ron DeSantis, where normalcy reigned supreme during those heady days of COVID mania. 

Americans desperately want their children to be left alone. Ordinary Americans don’t want radical political indoctrination from either side of the ideological spectrum. 

They want normality and the country can’t wait until 2028.

Ron and Casey DeSantis are Actually Normal

Ron DeSantis and his wife, Casey, are reported to have a net worth of about $320,000. That’s a lot of money. But in the grand scheme of things, compared to the net worth of past presidents—even former presidents who were closer in age to the DeSantis Family, such as the Obamas, who had a reported net worth of around $1.3 million when they entered the White House in 2009—DeSantis has a relatively small net worth. 

The DeSantis Family, according to their net worth, are in the upper middle class. They are not wealthy as, say, the Bidens are. 

That’s because both Governor DeSantis and his wife come from relatively humble, middle-class backgrounds. 

Both Ron and Casey DeSantis were achievers with great aspirations. Through grit and gumption—not the preferential treatment that comes with being a card-carrying member of the elite or having a wealthy daddy who gave them $1 million to play with—Ron and Casey achieved their dreams. 

The DeSantis Family is the embodiment of that old, dying (well, it’s being murdered by our purported elite) notion of meritocracy

Ron and Casey DeSantis are normal. Really normal. 

This is why Governor DeSantis’ quip about not understanding the dynamics of paying hush money to a porn star, as former President Trump has been indicted for having done in 2016, rubbed many Trump supporters the wrong way. 

The MAGA movement is a middle-out movement. It was supposed to be the revenge of the middle guy; the everyman. Middle-class—normal—people cannot fathom the workings of paying $130,000 to an adult film actress for her silence about an alleged sexual affair. And the Trump surrogates know this, which is why they’re trying to deflect from the core of DeSantis’ earnest statement on the creepy payout.

Trump’s people are desperate to paint their orange, sex-addled, billionaire reality television star as somehow more normal than the modest, middle-class Ron DeSantis. 

Good luck with that one! 

Come to think of it, DeSantis is the most MAGA candidate running in 2024. He’s actually from the same class of people that the movement represents (unlike its current tribune, Donald Trump). 

What Makes Wokeism Dangerous?

What’s Ron DeSantis’ war on “woke” really about? 

It’s about preserving that sense of normalcy in American life that is under serious threat from the elite. Forget about fighting “woke.” Perhaps former President Trump has a point when he says most ordinary Americans don’t really know what “woke” is. 

DeSantis must ask himself what it is about wokeness that is so threatening. 

Being woke is freakishly abnormal; it’s part of that “new normal” that so many voters are sick to death of and would do just about anything to end. And Ron DeSantis must promise voters that he will put a swift end to this “new normal.” He’s already done that in Florida.

After years of the most aggressive, flagrant, and radical attempts at social reengineering—the so-called “Great Reset”—Ron DeSantis is going to put the kibosh on that movement and give “We, The People” our lives back. 

And he’ll make sure no politician can dare take them away from us again under the guise of “public safety” or “equity.” 

Ron DeSantis and Warren G. Harding

Ron DeSantis must make the case Warren G. Harding did in 1920 for why he was a better pick than the Democratic Party’s candidate. 

After having fought the bloody First World War, and experiencing the societal upheavals of President Woodrow Wilson’s attempts to reengineer America along his radical, Progressive ideals, Americans wanted normalcy again. 

Harding recognized this and deftly made that the centerpiece of his presidential campaign. Or, as Harding’s slogan vowed, a vote for Warren G. Harding was a vote to “return to normalcy.”

That campaign slogan gave Harding 60.4 percent of the popular vote and an incredible 404 electoral college votes that year. He swept aside the Democrats, ensuring GOP control for many years thereafter. 

Thanks to Harding’s massive win, America was given a reprieve from the social reengineering of the radical Progressives. Afterward, an economic boom was initiated that did not stop until the Great Depression. All because normalcy was restored.

Like Harding, Ron DeSantis will return us to much-needed normalcy. That’s the basis of the DeSantis 2024 campaign. Or, at least, it should be. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.