AOC Violates Ethics Rules in Spat with Libs of TikTok: Democratic Party Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of New York has got to have the thinnest skin of any elected leader I’ve seen.
An individual who clearly believes that she is the one we’ve been waiting for, AOC tends to run hot whenever someone of even a modest IQ level dares to question her self-exulted brilliance.
A fewmonths back, the “honorable” representative from New York took to the House Floor in a shambolic display to call the concerned parents of young Americans who want less Left-wing social engineering in their children’s classrooms and a greater focus on actual academics “fascists.”
AOC Lies
As if that wasn’t enough, AOC clearly defamed the creator of “Libs of TikTok”, Chaya Raichik, when she claimed during a Congressional hearing that Raichik lied in 2022 when she told her Libs of TikTok audience that Boston Children’s Hospital was providing “gender-affirming hysterectomies for young girls.”
In fact, Raichik’s claim a few months ago about Boston Children’s Hospital was true. So, while elected officials are granted qualified immunity for things they say while in committees and on the House Floor, that immunity is limited. House members can still be subject to an ethics complaint.
Raichik stormed the Capitol a few months ago to hand deliver an official ethics complaint to AOC that the conservative think tank, Heritage Foundation, crafted on Raichik’s behalf. House Rule 23, Clause One, specifically forbid elected members of the House from lying or misrepresenting a group, individual, or event, for political gain. It was this House Rule that the Heritage Foundation believed AOC had violated.
The Libs of TikTok creator had just missed AOC in her office. Not to worry, Raichik happened by the New York congresswoman as she flitted from one disastrous showing on the Hill to the next.
For those unfamiliar with Raichik, she is a skilled humorist who routinely uses the words and actions of her political opponents against them. Raichik and her Libs of TikTok account are undoubtedly akin to the works of the famous American political cartoonist, Thomas Nast.
AOC clearly had no idea who Raichik was. The Libs of TikTok founder could see that deer-in-the-headlights look that usually graces AOC’s face indicated that Raichik had an upper hand in their engagement. Feigning to be a fan and asking for the ditzy New York congresswoman’s picture, AOC assented to Raichik’s ploy. Anything to please a sycophant.
What happened next was rich.
As Raichik moved in close to AOC, the Libs of TikTok creator whispered to AOC that she had just come to deliver an ethics complaint against the New York congresswoman. Instantly, AOC became defensive and squeaked that she did recognize Raichik. As if AOC wasn’t already in enough danger from making possibly defamatory comments about Raichik, she then blurted out that Raichik was “super transphobic!” In a typical manner that has come to define the more politically prominent members of my generation, AOC then whiffed that, “I never want to share space with you!”
To think that an elected leader would say that with a straight face to a citizen is reprehensible. That AOC would continue to use her position of power to lie and besmirch an American citizen is doubly more grotesque.
All this was caught on camera. It has been disseminated to the national press today. Raichik might want to file another ethics complaint against AOC for her boorish behavior.
The Republic’s Future is Not Bright
AOC is clearly the future of the Democratic Party and that should concern the rest of the country. She behaves as though she were a child. The New York congresswoman is petulant, is self-righteous, and entitled. She serves as a member of the United States House of Representatives, which is itself a body of deliberation and debate, yet AOC doesn’t even want to “share space” with those who disagree with her.
This behavior does not bode well for the rising Left-wing politician.
Although, it does represent a disturbing trend in America’s politics—especially as my generation and Generation-Z take over: intolerance to ideas and debate. AOC should be punished both for lying about an American voter, like Chaya Raichik, as well as for disrespecting the fundamental component of her office which is to respect discourse and debate on serious issues. Without those values being upheld daily—especially by our elected leaders—the republic will die.
Given AOC’s rising role in Congress, though, perhaps the republic is dead already.
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
From 19FortyFive
AOC Just Proved How Stupid She Is