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Hunter Biden Broke the Law in a Big Way and Won’t Go to Jail

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty this week to a felony gun charge and several tax crimes, according to a court filing. It the deal really fair?

Hunter Biden. Image Credit: Screenshot Via YouTube.
Hunter Biden. Image Credit: Screenshot.

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty this week to a felony gun charge and several tax crimes, according to a court filing.

The president’s son failed to file income taxes with the IRS in 2017 and 2018 according to the charges, which state that he owed upwards of $200,000 in back taxes before eventually paying them back last year.

The charges also allege that Hunter possessed a handgun for several weeks in 2018 while being prohibited by law to own a weapon as a result of his illegal drug habits.

Hunter Biden Plea Deal Explained

If found guilty, Hunter Biden faces up to 11 years in prison – with up to one year for the tax crimes and up to 10 years for possessing a gun obtained by lying on his background check forms. Hunter will likely get probation for the tax crimes and a waiving of the criminal complaint on the gun charges as part of a pretrial diversion agreement reached with federal prosecutors.

By accepting a plea deal, Hunter Biden will likely avoid a trial entirely and could even stay out of prison – although, the judge will have the ultimate say and a lot could change before his court date. That date, however, has has not yet been set.

Responses To Hunter’s Plea Deal Vary

“The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life. We will have no further comment,” said White House spokesman Ian Sams in response to the media reports.

Hunter’s lawyer Chris Clark said the plea deal is part of a step forward for his client and part of the long road to full recovery from drug addiction.

“I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life. He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward,” Clark said.

For his part, former President and 2024 Presidential candidate Trump said that Hunter’s plea deal is a sign of the double standard in the American judicial system and the Department of Justice (DOJ), writing that “the corrupt Biden DOJ just cleared up hundreds of years of criminal liability by giving Hunter Biden a mere ‘traffic ticket’” and adding that “our system is BROKEN!”

The Investigation Into Hunter Continues

Meanwhile, Congressman James Comer of Kentucky continues to lead the House Republican investigation into Hunter and the Biden family’s alleged “corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery” related to a number of overseas “schemes.”

Speaking recently with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene called for the impeachment of FBI Director Chris Wray and President Biden. MTG says Wray need to be held accountable for failing to act on FD-1023 information from a trusted source alleging 17 recordings of bribes given to the Bidens by a Ukrainian oligarch.

Paul Brian is an author and freelance journalist who has reported for Reuters, BBC and Foreign Policy, and contributed to the Spectator, the Federalist and the American Conservative.    He has covered global events from Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East to South America. 

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Paul Brian is an author and freelance journalist who has reported for Reuters, BBC and Foreign Policy, and contributed to the Spectator, the Federalist and the American Conservative.    He has covered global events from Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East to South America.