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Hunter Biden ‘Sweetheart Plea Agreement’ Is Total BS

Hunter Biden Speaking DNC 2020. Image Credit: YouTube Screenshot.
Hunter Biden Speaking DNC 2020

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the president’s son, Hunter Biden, got a sweetheart plea agreement after an excruciatingly long investigation by the Biden Justice Department.

But either way, this isn’t over.

Hunter Biden Isn’t ‘In the Clear’ Just Yet 

“Let’s be clear: the Department of Justice’s charges against President Biden’s son Hunter reveal a two-tiered system of justice,” Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee said Tuesday after the charges.

“Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery,” Comer went on to say.  “These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal have no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation. We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes are revealed.”

In fact, the deal is yet another example of former President Donald Trump saying something that seems a little crazy and then it turns out to be true.

“They are using the DOJ & FBI against me to Rigg the 2024 Election. They’ll hit Hunter with something small to make their strike on me look “fair.” Nothing about these Fascists is fair or honest. FIGHT!” Trump wrote on his Truth Social in June. 

A week after the 45th president is arraigned, Hunter Biden—son of the 46th President, Joe Biden, Hunter reaches a deal with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss for two-year diversionary program, based on a guilty plea on two tax charges and for lying on a gun form.

The agreement is only tentative, according to the Washington Post, and is pending approval by a federal judge in U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware.

In fairness, Weiss was a Trump appointee. But given what we have since found out from the 2020 Senate report by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, and additional information from the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, it’s quite clear that Weiss left many, many stones unturned—or someone prevented him from turning too many.

The court papers show Hunter Biden had unpaid taxes of $1.2 million. That’s not nothing, but it’s likely the tip of the iceberg of the Biden family’s assorted shell corporations. As Comer has noted, the Biden family has more than a dozen LLCs that do not provide any good or service but rake in millions from foreign individuals and entities.

It’s not unusual for any number of white-collar crimes that involve assorted fraud to be pleaded down to tax charges. But the sweetheart deal will likely embolden congressional investigators to be even more aggressive when it comes to Hunter Biden. 

Barbara Joanna Lucas is an opinion writer and researcher in Northern Virginia. She has been a healthcare professional, political blogger, is a proud dog mom, and news junkie. Follow her on Twitter @BasiaJL.

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Barbara Joanna Lucas is a writer and researcher in Northern Virginia. She has been a healthcare professional, political blogger, is a proud dog mom, and news junkie. Follow her on Twitter @BasiaJL.