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The Walls Are Closing in on Joe Biden

Republicans should stop trying to prove that Joe Biden is orchestrating anything. He doesn’t have to. They should instead focus all their efforts on proving Hunter’s illicit influence-peddling scheme involved Joe Biden directly.

US President Joe Biden offering remarks on January 28, 2022.
US President Joe Biden offering remarks on January 28, 2022.

“I have never once, not one single time, suggested to the Justice Department what they should do or not do to bringing a charge or not bringing a charge.” Those words were spoken by President Joe Biden to the press in a pathetic attempt to convince the American people that he was neither orchestrating the indictments of former President Donald J. Trump—and presently Biden’s most likely GOP challenger in 2024—nor was Biden relishing in Trump’s misery. 

“I’m honest!” Biden sheepishly added.

Bubble-Wrapping Joe Biden

These comments were made not long after the forty-sixth president was asked by one of the few inquiring reporters in the White House press pool about his own legal troubles. Specifically, Biden was asked about the nefarious dealings of his son, Hunter. 

Biden’s response was telling, not so much in what he answered with, but more because of how he chose to answer those questions. Biden denied any illegality regarding his son’s business dealings and then shouted, “Where’s the money?!” 

Well, that’s just it. There is no direct financial linkage between President Biden and his son’s international influence-peddling scheme. If there were a direct, easily identifiable link, then the alleged Biden Syndicate would’ve been taken down long ago. 

Joe Biden, despite his apparent slide into dementia with old age, was much wilier when setting up his son as his representative to the world’s foreign leaders and heads of multinational corporations, looking to pay for high-level access to the US government via Joe Biden’s many different political jobs over the years.

But those connections do indeed exist, but they’re simply murkier than what the media has the patience or desire to investigate. 

The FBI appears unwilling to dig deeper into the Hunter-Joe Biden financial ties, leaving it up to the House Republicans, who are divided and ultimately lacking in the kind of direct investigative powers that the FBI—which nominally reports to the president—possesses.

Not to be deterred, though, the House GOP is doggedly pursuing every lead in the Hunter Biden scandal. I suspect that they will ultimately find something linking Hunter’s illicit businesses with his father’s pockets. 

Joe Biden Doesn’t Have to Order Anything

The FBI, however, will be of no help. 

Similarly, the FBI and Department of Justice are helping to compound the woes of Biden’s chief political adversary, Donald Trump, even as they blatantly ignore Biden’s multiple violations. And Biden is likely being truthful when he tells the press that he’s not orchestrating the DOJ investigation into Donald Trump. 

Biden doesn’t have to orchestrate anything—anymore than he did not likely orchestrate the infamous 2020 letter of 51 former US intelligence leaders, which declared that any investigation into Hunter Biden was based on “Russian disinformation.” 

In the case of the letter, it was Biden’s underlings who orchestrated that lie. Similarly, Biden’s underlings at the DOJ and FBI are managing the politically toxic, legally questionable investigations—and indictments—into former President Trump. 

No order or word from the White House was needed. It was simply understood that these actions needed to be taken against Trump in order to give Biden a fighting chance at reelection. 

And none of those investigating Trump can afford to have him returning to power. Not when he has proven to be such a dire threat to the so-called “Deep State,” that deep and convoluted nexus of interconnected alphabet soup agencies and the US military that are supposed to be working in our best interests but are instead likely enhancing their own institutional needs at our expense. 

The Administrative State and Its Adherents

Joe Biden, for now, serves the “Deep State” (henceforth, I will refer to it as the “Administrative State” as that is a more apt term for it). 

Therefore, with little to no prompting whatsoever from President Biden, the Administrative State has moved into a rigorous self-defense posture that has weaponized the very laws that are meant to protect the American people against one citizen in particular who has proven to be a perennial thorn in their side. 

Donald Trump is not just a political foe of Joe Biden’s. That’s small potatoes. Trump represents an existential threat to the cushy, predictable existence of Washington’s Administrative State. He will not be allowed to return to power.

Joe Biden’s crimes are obvious. 

Yet, they will be ignored, downplayed, and ultimately covered up if it is in the interest of the Administrative State. It is, of course, in their interest to have a nearly brain-dead president as opposed to a president, like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis, who will be looking into their sordid affairs. 

Republicans should stop trying to prove that Joe Biden is orchestrating anything. He doesn’t have to. They should instead focus all their efforts on proving Hunter’s illicit influence-peddling scheme involved Joe Biden directly.

Don’t Expect Biden’s Crimes to Be Treated Like Trump’s

The members of the Administrative State, for now, are Biden’s fellow travelers. So long as he is useful to them, they will protect him with a bodyguard of lies. Republicans will understandably be righteously indignant. 

Alas, such indignance will do little to changer—or even slightly alter—the massive interference the Administrative State will run on behalf of Biden…and the major, unconstitutional legal manipulations they will engage in to stop Trump from becoming the next president of the United States. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.