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AOC Might Have Gone Too Far This Time

AOC, you see, wants to impeach Thomas from the Bench. What was Justice Thomas’ unforgivable Thought Crime this time? Ruling in ways that offends AOC’s higher sensibilities. 

AOC on CNN. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
AOC on CNN. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

AOC Unfairly Attacks Clarence Thomas Back in the Spring. That Was a Mistake – Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is probably one of the smartest men in Washington, D.C. and certainly the most consistently cogent and rational men on the United States Supreme Court today.

Thomas came from the Deep South, from a home in which Gullah, the language spoken by African-American slaves, was the main dialect spoken by the Thomas family. He grew up in real poverty. 

Yet, Thomas’ story is one of the most compelling rags-to-riches stories this nation has ever seen. Whether you like his politics or legal philosophies should have little bearing on your appreciation of the greatness—the raw American ethos—that Clarence Thomas embodies. 

AOC is a Stooge

If you’re “Alexandria from the Bronx (by way of posh Yorktown Heights)”, though, you’re not impressed.

You know “systemic racism” and idiocy when you see it because you’re a bourgeoise New Yorker who went through Boston College in the 2010s (and supposedly acquired a degree in economics of all things). 

When she’s not sniffing out your next shameless media opportunity, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), is out there calling those with whom she disagrees “fascists”, demanding that former Trump Administration officials be canceled from public life, and accusing anyone on the Right—including the descendant of freed slaves, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas—of being racists (without directly naming Thomas, of course). 

In this, AOC proves herself to be little more than a well-manicured shill for a reprehensible smear machine that has little qualms in lowering itself to unfair (even, at times, racist) criticisms designed to destroy and defame the character of those being targeted by that perpetual Left-wing rage-machine. 

Clarence Thomas has found himself at the epicenter of such attacks over the course of his decades in public service. Whether the now-deceased Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) or former Senator Joe Biden (D-DE), the Democratic Party’s rage-and-smear machine uses the same tiresome and false talking points but with different faces. 

These days, that machine has settled on AOC as their preferred tool for besmirching America’s first African-American Supreme Court justice. 

AOC, you see, wants to impeach Thomas from the Bench. What was Justice Thomas’ unforgivable Thought Crime this time? Ruling in ways that offends AOC’s higher sensibilities. 

It’s All About Leftist Politics

In one of her unhinged rants back in April, the New York congresswoman went on Twitter to urge the Biden Administration to “simply ignore” Supreme Court rulings that infringed upon her preferred Leftist policies. She ripped Thomas for having broken the law—without ever offering how, precisely, the legendary Supreme Court justice did that. 

No matter, in the age of “feels” the facts mean little when compared to the faux moral outrage of former bartenders-turned-unimpressive congresswoman.

The real thrust of AOC’s problems with Thomas and the overall Judicial Branch is that the Court has ruled against the controversial issue of abortion. AOC, like all Democrats, supports unlimited abortion rights. The Supreme Court in a landmark ruling last year decided that the federal mandate for abortions as per the dictates of Roe v. Wade was no longer constitutional. It would now be left to the states to decide. 

This was a classic case of subsidiarity and was completely within keeping of the US Constitution. Interestingly, AOC had no qualms when California embraced state’s rights and resisted multiple Trump Administration federal policies and court rulings. Of course, those benefited AOC’s party. It’s not “fascist” or “racist” or “unconstitutional” when they do it on the Left.

For AOC, though, all must be made to comport with her preferred worldview. As I’ve written in these pages before, AOC is a true totalitarian. It doesn’t matter that AOC’s calls for impeaching Thomas are baseless. 

What matters to AOC and her allies in the media is that he be destroyed for daring to challenge the orthodoxy of our time. In this case, it is abortion. But, rest assured, there are a retinue of other issues that the Democrats support to which Thomas is opposed that would make him as much of a target as his stances against abortion have been. 

A Trip too Far?

Recent allegations that Justice Thomas accepted luxury trips paid for by Texas businessman Harlan Crow without disclosing those trips has prompted AOC to lead the Left in its recent absurd crusade to get the controversial justice impeached. This has nothing to do with concerns over improperly filed trips. 

Democrats don’t care about such things. If they did, most of their elected representatives and senators would be in trouble as they also routinely enjoy gifts and trips from special interests has AOC ever heard of Sam Bankman-Fried and his gifts to DNC lawmakers over the years?). 

Oh, and I seem to remember the illustrious congresswoman from New York having her own ethics violations. If she wants to go after one of the most storied members of the Judicial Branch, like Clarence Thomas, perhaps Republicans should insist that AOC also be impeached for her ethics violations. Sure, it’d be an overreaction, but AOC’s entire posture is one of overwrought hypocrisy. 

Reciprocity is key in all things, so it’d be nice to see Republicans get back at her. 

AOC is over her skis on this one—and her-party leadership in Congress won’t rein her in. Republicans should work to do that and to stop her from abusing her elected position to unfairly pursue those she views as political enemies, as she is doing Justice Thomas. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.