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Lauren Boebert Is Just a Fool

It seems strange to think that a mostly rural area of Colorado would be little more than 500 votes away from kicking out Lauren Boebert, one of the most outspoken conservative members of the House Republicans, but that’s the case.

Lauren Boebert. Image Credit: Gage Skidmore.
U.S. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida.

It seems strange to think that a mostly rural area of Colorado would be little more than 500 votes away from kicking out Lauren Boebert, one of the most outspoken conservative members of the House Republicans, but that’s the case.

Having barely survived her reelection bid in 2022, Rep. Boebert has found herself on the wrong side of history. 

That’s not because the country is overwhelming Liberal. It’s because her particular brand of conservative politics is so specific—and divisive—that it turns many of her own voters off in her home district. 

Enter Democrat Adam Frisch

The guy is a Liberal Democrat. But he doesn’t come across as such. Frisch is a Colorado native and a graduate of University of Colorado-Boulder. He waited tables in Manhattan after graduating from college and ultimately became a currency trader for about decade where he supposedly traveled the world for work. Frisch moved to Colorado in 2003 and served as a city councilman, where he was mired in a bit of controversy about his “Lift One” Development Project. 

Who is Adam Frisch?

The “Lift One” program was a plan to bring greater development to Aspen’s West End. It was a divisive project that Frisch had supported while he was on the city council there. The plan barely passed and he engendered much hate for his work on the matter. Despite this, though, Frisch still ran against ultra-conservative Rep. Lauren Boebert in her district—and almost won. 

That’s how unpopular Lauren Boebert really is.

Because he lost in the rural district by so few votes, the Democratic Party has elevated winning that district to a priority in the upcoming 2024 Election. Adam Frisch is again running to unseat Boebert. 

His opponent has endured one problem and controversy after the other, making her a toxic figure in Colorado politics (as well as in Washington, D.C.). Frisch and the Democrats believe that 2024 is their time to finally unseat a woman who they believe is one of the most extreme members of the House.

They’re likely right. 

Add onto that the fact that Boebert is likely insane on some level. She certainly has her fans, but they are far fewer than her presence on Fox News and in other conservative media would indicate.

In the last week, Frisch’s campaign to unseat Boebert raised $2.6 million for this quarter. This amount of money has raised Frisch’s status in Democratic Party politics, as that amount of money raised has smashed “records for the most money raised from donors by a challenger in a House race, in an off-year,” Ernest Lunig of Colorado Politics reported.

More than that, the bulk of Frisch’s donations are from small-ticket donors. This means that most of the financial support that Frisch is enjoying is not coming from celebrities or big corporations. 

The financial backing is coming from ordinary voters. This should show the Republican Party how badly they erred in backing an individual that even the rural, mostly conservative Colorado Third District finds unpalatable. 

And why wouldn’t they? Frisch isn’t wrong to ask voters what, precisely, Boebert has done for them? 

The answer is “not much.”

Lauren Boebert is Simply Incompetent

Just recently, during the contentious debt ceiling battle, in which Rep. Boebert was viscerally opposed to raising, the gonzo Colorado Republican undercut her own position by not voting against the raising of the debt ceiling. In this case, we should be counting our lucky stars that the gun-toting Boebert did not scuttle the debt ceiling vote. 

If she had done as he was threatening, it is likely that Boebert and her colleagues in the Tea Party Caucus would have nuked the entire economy going into the important 2024 Presidential Election—in which the Democrats would’ve giddily blamed Republicans for whatever economic damage the country suffered as a result of Congress having failed to raise the debt ceiling.

But, according to most reports, the reason Boebert did not vote against the debt ceiling being raised was not because she changed her mind or because she simply did not want to damage the Republican Party on the eve of entering the 2024 election cycle.

Oh no, these would have been noble reasons. 

Boebert did not vote in the debt ceiling matter that she had made such a big stink out of opposing because she had missed the vote. Or, in her words, she had “other pressing matters” to attend to! 

Here’s Why Frisch is Winning…

This is why a Liberal Democrat who is farther to the Left on most issues than where the voters Colorado’s Third Congressional District are at, is beating Boebert. Frisch projects a sense of competence and restraint in public that Boebert otherwise lacks. 

It’s why he’s attracting such media attention and donations. If he wasn’t viable, if Boebert wasn’t such a horrible candidate, the Democrats would not be boosting on Frisch the way that they are. 

Lauren Boebert has blown what should have been an easy win. It’s not because of some vast, Leftist conspiracy against her. It’s because Lauren Boebert is a bad candidate who has placed her own ego and desire to be famous over the needs of her constituents. 

After years of neglect, Boebert’s constituents are so fed up with her schtick that they’re willing to elect a radical Lefitst (who talks like a moderate) in 2024. 

It’s really quite embarrassing and the GOP should be scrambling right now to save her seat and plan for the days when she is no longer a viable candidate (she’s almost there already). 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.