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No More Hunter Biden BS

It’s amazing how after all the publicity (usually not good) and all the accusations against Hunter Biden, he seems to keep coming out on top. Well, maybe not on top, but certainly not where he likely should be – jail. 

Hunter Biden Speaking DNC 2020. Image Credit: YouTube Screenshot.
Hunter Biden Speaking DNC 2020

It’s amazing how after all the publicity (usually not good) and all the accusations against Hunter Biden, he seems to keep coming out on top. Well, maybe not on top, but certainly not where he likely should be – jail. 

Hunter Biden and That Illegal Stuff at the White House 

A spokesperson for the U.S. Secret Service confirmed this week that the substance discovered in the West Wing of the White House on Sunday night was, indeed, cocaine. 

While right-wing pundits immediately concluded the illegal narcotic belonged to Hunter Biden, which, at this point, is a very reasonable assumption, those on the left were quick to criticize such suppositions saying there is no evidence to prove the cocaine had anything to do with the president’s second eldest son. 

According to sources the powdery white substance, which Hunter Biden is a known fan of, was found in a “work area” of the West Wing. This vague description allows for those on the left to cry foul when attributing ownership to the self-admitted drug addict. It was found in a “heavily traveled” area accessible to visitors, claim those who snapped back at accusations. It could have been anyone’s. 

It would be wrong to say with absolute certainty that Hunter is guilty of bringing illegal drugs into the White House, but it’s also patently absurd to suggest that there is no justifiable reason for accusing him of doing so. 

Still, Chris Jackson, a former Democratic Party Chair and Tennessee Election Commissioner tweeted

“I hope Hunter sues the hell out of everyone suggesting this” and “So sad everyone posted this story without proper context, knowing what kind of comments and conspiracies would be spawned from doing so. Do better.”

C’mon, Chris. The cocaine may or may not have resulted from Hunter Biden walking the halls of the West Wing snorting up, but you can’t, with a straight face at least, call it a “conspiracy” to suggest it. 

Hunter claims he has been sober since his marriage to South African filmmaker Melissa Cohen, but no one has held him accountable for his misdealings when he wasn’t. 

And if it’s anything an addict needs, it’s accountability. 

The Enablers 

It’s quite astonishing to watch the press run cover for the numerous indiscretions of Hunter Biden.

Somehow, the story of Hunter’s addiction has been turned into a “story about a father’s love,” as Ana Navarro of the View emotionally asserted. 

“Joe Biden has never and will never give up on his son Hunter and will never treat him lesser than. He is a father first. Take it or leave it. That’s who he is. That is part of his heart.”

A father can love his kid unconditionally and still not parade him around at a White House state dinner two days after a no-prison plea deal was reached for tax evasion and illegal gun possession

Still, Time magazine called Hunter’s story one of “redemption.” 

Joe Biden called his son, “the smartest man I know” despite all the evidence to the contrary. 

Should the GOP Continue Its Inquiries? 

Given the sordid details pulled from Hunter’s laptop, smart is not the first adjective I would use to describe the president’s second son. 

Despite the media spin on Hunter’s questionable behavior in both his personal and professional life, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. 

Even so, the GOP’s continued investigations into not only Hunter’s private affairs but also his business dealings may implicate his father. Therefore, rest assured they will continue to be swept under the rug by the DOJ. 

I think it’s high time the public acknowledges there are just too many skeletons in the closet – on both sides of the aisle – to insist a corrupt bureaucracy continue pursuit. It’s a waste of taxpayer dollars and no one is ever held accountable. It’s a sobering reality but until those employed in politics in this country decide to return to its original intent – to serve rather than use it as a money-making venture – it is one that will continue. 

Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor for as well as opinion writer. She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics, and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor for She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.