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Joe Biden Is Truly a Corrupt Fool

It truly is only a matter of time, at this point, until the House GOP gets to the truth of the Biden corruption probe and Joe Biden gets in serious trouble. 

Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking with supporters at a town hall hosted by the Iowa Asian and Latino Coalition at Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 33 in Des Moines, Iowa. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking with supporters at a town hall hosted by the Iowa Asian and Latino Coalition at Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 33 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Longtime Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer gave testimony on Monday. He was listed as one of the founding partners of Hunter Biden’s investment firm, Rosemont-Seneca Partners. This firm conducted voluminous amounts of international business whilst Hunter’s father, Joe Biden, served as the Vice President of the United States under Barack Obama. 

The suspicion is that Hunter Biden was not just some sleazy Wall Street-type. 

Instead, he was the front man for a much larger scheme by the Biden Family to financially benefit from Joe Biden’s long career in public office.

It is believed that Archer could help to illuminate for House Republican investigators the extent and nature of Hunter Biden’s alleged corruption. The Democrats have done everything in their effort to downplay Archer’s importance. 

But it’s hard to do when there is photographic evidence of Devon Archer golfing with then-Vice-President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. 

The Democrats’ case is doubly complicated by the fact that there exist travel records indicating that Archer accompanied Hunter Biden to Ukraine in 2014 less than a day after having met with then-Vice-President Joe Biden. 

House Republicans desperately want to hear from Devon Archer to fill in the gaps in their investigation. The world has already heard from other Hunter Biden business associates, such as the controversial Tony Bobulinksi, who has insisted that Hunter Biden was not acting alone when engaged in his allegedly corrupt international business practices. 

Joe Biden and the Family: A History of Corruption

The GOP House investigation has uncovered evidence proving that key members of the Biden Family received financial payouts from Hunter Biden’s business over the years.

Plus, there is evidence suggesting that the first son’s business funneled money through a coterie of Biden Family-controlled shell companies.

This is usually done in criminal enterprises to both “wash” dirty money as well as to complicate the ability of investigators to track where the money’s ultimate destination was. 

In my summation, the only real reason for such behavior would be to provide cover for someone who is the ultimate beneficiary of all these purportedly illegal transactions that Hunter Biden was conducting. 

The Republicans suspect that the end point of these transactions is, in fact, Joe Biden’s account. 

They’ve yet to find direct evidence explicitly tethering the forty-sixth president’s finances to his wayward son’s activities. 

Although, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. 

Hunter Biden’s Laptop

One interesting bit of circumstantial evidence derives from Hunter Biden’s personal laptop that was purloined by a Delaware-based computer technician. The technician only took the laptop after he found loads of what he believed were incriminating evidence of criminal behavior by Hunter Biden. 

Among the stored files on what the New York Post’s Miranda Devine has rightly described as the “laptop from Hell,” was a series of WhatsApp text messages between Hunter Biden and his oldest daughter. In that 2019 conversation, the first son agonized over his being made to share a cut of his earnings with his father (who was, at that time, running for president). 

Hunter Biden cautioned his oldest daughter that one day—soon—she’d be required to join her father in the family business. Hunter Biden, in a strangely touching moment of parental concern, assuaged his oldest daughter by telling her not to worry as he’d not demand a cut of her profits … unlike his father. 

Again, this gels perfectly with the 2020 claims that Tony Bobulinski made about how everyone involved with Hunter Biden’s business knew that Hunter had to give his father (a.k.a. “the Big Guy”) ten percent of his earnings with each transaction.

Devon Archer might help to make that circumstantial evidence into provable, direct evidence. 

By the way, the amount of circumstantial evidence that the House GOP has amassed far outstrips the amount of so-called evidence that House Democrats had collected to use in their failed impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump in 2019. 

Much More Than the Democrats Ever Had on Trump

The GOP evidence also outweighs the pitifully weak evidence that the Robert Mueller Special Counsel investigation into (false) claims of Trump-Russia collusion that plagued the first year and a half of the Trump Administration. 

Yet, the Republicans are still having to collect increasing volumes of evidence and spend far greater time trying to first prove the veracity of the circumstantial evidence compared to how little the Democrats had to prove before initiating their own caustic investigations—and actual impeachment—of the forty-fifth president. 

But perhaps it’ll work out better for the Republicans. And just maybe Devon Archer will prove to be that missing link they need.

After all, why else would President Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) attempt to stymie Devon Archer’s scheduled Congressional testimony over the weekend by demanding that Archer report for prison a day before he was scheduled to testify, presumably against Hunter Biden, in a closed congressional inquiry? 

Former DOJ attorney, Andy C. McCarthy, has stated numerous times his skepticism that the DOJ has an active investigation running against Hunter Biden. 

Instead, it appears to almost anyone but the most partisan Democratic Party operative that the DOJ is protecting the bent first son. 

They are doing so not because they are committed to preserving the dignity of the First Family. But are engaged in this cover-up to protect the forty-sixth president from legal and political fallout as their preferred candidate, Biden, runs for reelection in what will be a highly contentious campaign in 2024.

The Deep State Covers Up for Joe and Hunter Biden

It isn’t the first time that the Administrative State has attempted to tip the scales of justice in Biden’s favor. 

In 2020, a group of 51 senior (mostly retired) intelligence officials signed a letter that was written by the Biden Campaign at the time saying that the aforementioned Hunter Biden laptop scandal was nothing more than “Russian disinformation.” 

With that letter in hand, the Biden Campaign was able to pressure social media and news media outlets to censor anyone and any story giving credence to the Hunter Biden laptop story. This, in turn, empowered the Biden Campaign as it challenged Donald Trump. 

In fact, a large chunk of people who voted for Biden in 2020 have stated that had they known the extent of the Hunter Biden scandal, they would have likely voted to reelect Donald Trump in 2020. 

Meanwhile, we have examples of the DOJ attempting to give a sweetheart plea deal to the first son in his ongoing tax evasion case. 

On top of that, there is whistleblower testimony from two senior IRS agents who had investigated Hunter Biden’s finances for years and saw firsthand how the DOJ and FBI attempted to stymie their investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes. This was done out of fear that any investigation into Hunter’s finances would inevitably necessitate a deeper probe into Joe Biden’s personal finances—which DOJ prosecutors had indicated to the IRS agent, Gary Shapley, was out-of-bounds.

The Mysterious Case of Gal Luft

One other point of interest in the House GOP investigation into Hunter Biden revolves around an Israeli professor. Dr. Gal Luft, who was intimately tied to Hunter Biden’s business deals. Luft asserts that Hunter Biden received bribes from Chinese government-affiliated entities on the order of $100,000 a month (with Joe Biden’s brother, Jim, receiving $65,000 a month). 

Luft further claims that he had direct knowledge of a high-ranking FBI mole who was sharing classified information with Chinese intelligence and was affiliated with the ongoing Hunter Biden corruption scheme.

Dr. Luft provided House Republican investigators the name of Rob Walker—known in many circles as “Hunter Biden’s bagman”—who could corroborate Luft’s claims. 

The House GOP requested Luft to come to Washington, D.C. to testify under oath about his knowledge surrounding the Biden Syndicate’s allegedly corrupt overseas business practices. 

Luft himself was accused of having violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and of making a false statement. Luft denies these charges and claims they have been made up by the DOJ and FBI. 

In fact, Luft was set to testify a few weeks ago in person before the congressional committee investigating Hunter Biden. While en route to Washington, D.C. from Israel, Luft was detained in Cyprus based on these charges. He insists that he is being “hunted” by U.S. intelligence in an attempt to silence him and has since disappeared without a trace.

There’s Something Rotten in Delaware

Hunter Biden is knee-deep in a wide-ranging web of corruption from which key elements of his family have benefited. House Republicans, despite an obvious cover-up from the Joe Biden-led Administrative State, are close to uncovering explicit links between Hunter Biden’s business and the president. 

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has already asserted he’ll initiate an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden based on the Hunter Biden scandal. 

It truly is only a matter of time, at this point, until the House GOP gets to the truth of the Biden corruption probe and Joe Biden gets in serious trouble. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.