Joe Biden Needs to Be Impeached: The Republican Party has been a paragon of losing. The Grand Old Party has presided over the Leftward shift of the United States for decades and done little to adequately resist it.
Each time a Republican leader comes along, such as Ronald Reagan or Donald J. Trump, the GOP moves rapidly to crush or coopt those leaders and stunt their effectiveness as agents of change for the conservative movement.
Yet, since Trump’s rise, at least a contingent of the elected Republican Party appears intent on fighting more than the party usually has in the past.
Specifically, the House Republicans are dead-set on proving that Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, was the face of a massive, long-running, possibly illicit influence-peddling scheme to leverage his father’s political office for gobs of money from foreign governments and multinational firms seeking access to the highest political offices in America.
More than that, the Republicans suspect that President Biden was both intimately involved in his son’s nefarious doings as well as a key financial beneficiary of those allegedly illicit transactions.
Documentary Evidence About Hunter’s Alleged Misdeeds
There are years’ worth of evidence indicating the extent and nature of Hunter Biden’s perfidy. In fact, he recently pleaded guilty to massive tax evasion.
According to two IRS whistleblowers who investigated Hunter Biden, the Department of Justice and FBI conspired to gut the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax history for fear that the two whistleblowers in question would be forced to investigate the finances of anyone associated with Hunter Biden’s financial history.
In other words, the DOJ and FBI were worried that the IRS investigation would investigate Joe Biden’s financial records and discover what the Republicans have long suspected about the forty-sixth president benefiting from Hunter Biden’s purportedly illegal business dealings.
So, these organizations, which are supposed to be a-political, appear to have engaged in politicized activity benefiting the president (while simultaneously throwing the proverbial book at former President Donald J. Trump).
There’s way more evidence that the Republicans have amassed about Hunter Biden’s activities abroad.
Many direct witnesses were placed under oath and testified that not only was the First Son in hoc to multiple foreign regimes, friend and enemy alike (such as that of Ukraine and China).
In fact, under oath, these witnesses testified that Joe Biden was privy to all that his son was doing to generate business—and all the unsavory types that he was in business with.
Moreover, Biden may have insisted upon a ten percent cut of every financial transaction that his son did. This has not only been stated on the record by various Hunter Biden business partners, but Hunter himself complained of such a possible arrangement in a leaked WhatsApp text message chain between he and his oldest daughter in 2019.
There are literally computer files upon computer files worth of documentary evidence showing Hunter Biden’s criminal behavior as well as financial transactions linking Hunter Biden’s business with the personal accounts of multiple Biden Family members.
Of Course, Joe Biden was Involved
Is it really that hard to consider the notion that Joe Biden was involved with Hunter Biden’s business when every member of the Biden Family was benefiting from it?
The bottom line is simple: the Republican Party has a long track record of failing to fight for itself, its principles, and its leaders.
Yet again, the standard bearer for the party, Donald Trump, however imperfect he may be, is being smothered by an endless array of overamped, politically motivated indictments.
It is part of a wider strategy, I believe, to stymie Trump’s ability to effectively compete—and win—in the 2024 election.
The Republicans, though, have a dynamite opportunity to hit back at the man orchestrating the attacks on Trump in the form of an impeachment against him based on the mounds of evidence they’ve gathered about Hunter Biden and his international business practices.
In a fit of understandable annoyance, the former president goaded Republicans to initiate impeachment against Biden sooner rather than later. He urged Republicans to impeach Biden now or get out of the way and allow for candidates to replace them who would immediately impeach Biden.
He’s got a point.
What good are all these inquiries into Hunter Biden’s business; why waste our time with talking to Hunter Biden’s various business associates and subpoenaing the financial records of the Biden Family, if the GOP ultimately plans on doing nothing with that evidence?
Especially considering how weak the Russia collusion case was against Trump and how empty the charges against Trump in his first impeachment trial were.
Reciprocity is an important factor to consider when thinking about life and, specifically, politics. Balance is key in a republic. Right now, the republic is completely unbalanced.
Republicans Must Fight for Once In Their Lives
The Democrats control the levers of power and hold considerable sway over the institutions of America’s government. With that power, the Democrats are unapologetically putting the squeeze on their political rivals.
The Republicans have far fewer advantages when compared to the Democrats.
This is partly because of their historical unwillingness to fight against their Democratic Party rivals. But the Hunter Biden investigation is their real chance to show the world they can fight—and to do so effectively.
Because it’s not about Hunter Biden, a lost soul in deep need of long-term help. It’s about Hunter Biden’s shenanigans being closely tied to his presidential father.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on protecting access to affordable healthcare, Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at Kempsville Recreation Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia. (Official White House Photo by Hannah Foslien)

Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking with attendees at the 2020 Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) Legislative Conference at the Sheraton West Des Moines Hotel in West Des Moines, Iowa.

President Joe Biden participates in a press conference before departing the G7 Hiroshima Summit, Sunday, May 21, 2023, at the Hilton Hotel in Hiroshima, Japan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
The Democrats have swamped Trump in multiple indictments from multiple investigations with the intention of sapping Trump’s electoral capabilities. It’s working. He’s blowing through key campaign funds to fight these indictments.
The GOP does have the tools to get after President Biden. They don’t seem to be using it. Unless they plan on continuing to be the party of the beautiful loser, Republicans need to impeach Biden…now.
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
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