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The Collapse of Joe Biden Has Begun

Image: White House Flickr.
Image: White House Flickr.

It’s become the news media rivalry of our day. Akin to the many great contretemps that defined President Ronald Reagan’s frosty relationship with ABC’s Sam Donaldson, or the visceral relationship between Dan Rather and President George W. Bush during the height of the Iraq War, the verbal sparring between Fox News’ Peter Doocy and President Joe Biden has reached a crescendo.  

While at a public event, Doocy cornered Biden and asked for him to comment on the recent testimony of Devon Archer, a close business associate of Hunter Biden’s. 

The forty-sixth president became instantly apoplectic. 

He proceeded to deny the claims that Archer had made in his congressional testimony that, as vice-president in the Obama Administration, Joe Biden had routinely called into important meetings that Hunter and Archer were conducting with foreign businessmen and women. 

Shortly before issuing a categorical denial of any of Archer’s claims (which were made under oath, by the way), President Biden personally insulted Doocy. 

This sort of nastiness has come to embody Joe Biden’s interactions with Doocy. 

Joe Biden Sparring with Individual Members of the Press

This isn’t the first time that Biden attacked Doocy personally, who was merely doing his job.

Previously, the commander-in-chief referred to Doocy as a “stupid son of a…” and, later, derided a question Doocy asked about the Russo-Ukraine War as “silly.” 

There was a time, not long ago (as in just a few years ago), when a president besmirching a member of the White House Press Corps was the cause of days of breaking news reportage of how that president was unhinged. 

Remember the abject disrespect that CNN’s Jim Acosta displayed at White House Press briefing where he basically got into a screaming match with former President Donald Trump. During that fiery exchange, Acosta refused to either sit down or hand over the microphone to allow for his colleagues to pose questions to the forty-fifth president.

When that occurred, Trump’s vicious ripostes to Acosta’s unhinged verbal assaults on the president were framed as unpresidential and unacceptable behavior. 

Yet, when Doocy does it to a Democratic Party president (only with a far greater factual basis for doing so), Biden gets as nasty toward Doocy as Trump got with Acosta and other members of the White House Press Corps during his time in office. The same elements that remained silent during the Acosta-Trump spat are now wringing their hands over the Doocy-Biden fracas.

Even analyses in the mainstream media of the Doocy-Biden interaction about the Hunter Biden accusations are ridiculously one-sided. For example, Ron Dicker over at the Huffington Post goes out of his way to downplay the importance of the Hunter Biden accusations that Doocy was making by challenging the voracity of the claims themselves. 

At one point in his retelling of the heated exchange between Doocy and Biden, Dinker likens the accusations to being little more than an unsubstantiated conspiracy that came from the recesses of the Far-Right media ecosystem. 

Of course, this is a lie being dutifully told by the so-called reporters strewn throughout the mainstream media who are more than happy to carry political water for Joe Biden and the Democrats—all in pursuit of their shared goal of ending the mean orange man’s chances of returning to the White House once-and-for-all.

If Only We Had a Media That Did Its Job

The worst aspect of the story is not Biden’s vicious and ridiculous response to what should be legitimate questions.

Instead, the most dangerous element is that a large section of our news media—the one group that should be leading the charge to get to the truth, no matter who in power it harms—is content to ignore the Hunter Biden story for political purposes. 

Because if the media did seriously investigate Hunter Biden, they would see that the allegations against the First Son are not baseless.

Moreover, they would easily be able to show linkages between Hunter Biden’s finances and the bank accounts of his presidential father, Joe Biden. 

More concerning than that, though, is the fact that Hunter Biden (and, by extension, much of his family) is believed to have made his money through selling access to his father’s various high political offices to representatives from foreign governments (notably those belonging to China). 

In essence, Hunter Biden may have been the front man for a massive Biden Family organization, orchestrated by Joe Biden himself, to enrich the Biden Syndicate at the expense of US national security. 

And almost no one in the mainstream media wants to cover the story. Instead, as evidenced by the way they’re handling the Doocy-Biden row, they’d rather cover up the story and fixate on how uncouth Peter Doocy is behaving in his interactions with President Biden. 

If only we had a real media in this country. They’d uncover the nefarious linkages between Hunter Biden, China, and Joe Bidden. 

Instead, we get only innuendo and evidence of wrongdoing that paints an incomplete picture.

Don’t be mad at Peter Doocy for doing his job. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
