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The Rudy Giuliani Disaster Has Arrived

Former President Donald Trump seems to have finally taken notice of Rudy Giuliani, one of his former lawyers and staunchest supporters, who is facing millions of dollars in legal fees over many cases he is facing, many of which are related to his time in Trump’s employ.

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York City speaking to supporters at an immigration policy speech hosted by Donald Trump at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. From Gage Skidmore.
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York City speaking to supporters at an immigration policy speech hosted by Donald Trump at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.

Donald Trump finally pays attention to Rudy Giuliani’s massive legal bills – Former President Donald Trump seems to have finally taken notice of Rudy Giuliani, one of his former lawyers and staunchest supporters, who is facing millions of dollars in legal fees over many cases he is facing, many of which are related to his time in Trump’s employ.

Trump recently hosted a posh $100,000 per plate fundraising event for the former New York City mayor at his gold club in Bedminster, New Jersey. The Associated Press reported that Giuliani’s son, Andrew, said that the event will likely see his father’s mounting legal bills cut down by more than $1 million.

Trump has also reportedly committed to hosting another fundraiser for Giuliani’s behalf at his Mar-a-Lago resort, which will happen either in the fall or the winter.

However, the younger Giuliani told WABC radio that while the additional funds will be “very helpful” to address his father’s legal obligations, “It won’t be enough to get through this.”

Giuliani has not been solely dependent on his former boss in raising funds to help with his legal bills though. His son has put up the Giuliani Defense PAC while others have established the Rudy Giuliani Freedom Fund. Both organizations have the goal of soliciting money for Giuliani’s legal fees. Giuliani himself has also put up his Manhattan apartment for sale, with an asking price of $6.5 million, and has joined Cameo, a service where people can pay celebrities and personalities to deliver short greetings for a fee.

In a legal cesspool

Giuliani is one of the co-accused in the indictment the former chief executive is facing in Georgia over allegation of seeking to tamper with election results in the state.

He is also facing related but individual cases where two voting equipment companies and a mother and daughter who both served as election workers in the state accusing the lawyer of defamation.

On the defamation suits alone, Giuliani is already facing tens of thousands of dollars in legal bills, and the expected settlement payments are set to multiply his expenses exponentially.

He also allegedly owes as much as $260,000 in payments to his third ex-wife, which he is behind in.

A judge has already threatened the former NYC mayor with jail time if he fails to procure the funds.

In addition, Giuliani is also being sued by a woman who used to work for him, who alleges that he did not pay her wages and even coerced her into having intimate acts with him.

The worker is seeking $2 million in damages. Giuliani has denied all accusations.

A sudden recipient of special treatment?

While Giuliani’s previous appeals to Trump for financial help for his legal bills were largely ignored, the sudden spate of strong support from the former commander-in-chief has some observers speculating that Giuliani may “know more” about Trump’s activities than other lawyers also named in the indictments against the former president, like Jenna Ellis or John Eastman, who are also facing mounting legal bills but have not had the benefit of fundraisers like Giuliani’s.

“I think that the through line is maybe Donald Trump and his folks think that Rudy Giuliani knows more about directly what Donald Trump did in a way that some of these other lawyers were a step away,” MSNBC’s Ari Melber mused recently

Tim Ramos has written for various publications, corporations, and organizations – covering everything from finance, politics, travel, entertainment, and sports – in Asia and the U.S. for more than 10 years.

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Tim Ramos has written for various publications, corporations, and organizations – covering everything from finance, politics, travel, entertainment, and sports – in Asia and the U.S. for more than 10 years.