Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) cuts quite a swathe in American society. A gigantic, bald-headed, towering figure of a man, who looks more like one of Blofeld’s henchmen than the evil Bond villain himself, Fetterman has made a career of pushing the envelope. Like many Democrats, Fetterman presents himself as the über-everyman just living his best, hardest-working life.
Part of that image has been the slovenly way that the Harvard-educated Senator dresses in public. The man usually dresses in baggy shorts and an oversized hoodie with either ratty old tennis shoes or, even worse, crocs.
Working Class Attire
As somebody who works for a living, coming from a family of working-class stiffs, I personally find Fetterman’s entire disposition insulting. You dress for where you work, if it’s a body shop, you wear appropriate gear. If it’s waiting tables, ditto. If it’s the United States Senate, you wear a suit.
But Fetterman has made waves since being elected in a shocking victory in Pennsylvania when he defeated Donald Trump’s choice of the doctor and reality television star, “Dr. Oz.” Fetterman not only ignored the Senate dress code, he also openly and notoriously flouted it. When pressed by observers as to why he had chosen to ignore long-time Senate traditions and rules, Fetterman routinely falls back on his Working-Class ethos.
Fetterman has been plagued by personal controversy since he was first elected. Response to his flagrant disrespect for the Senate’s standards is just the surface-level of problems Fetterman has been afflicted by.
During the campaign, for example, it was revealed that Fetterman had serious health issues. Not to worry, Pennsylvania’s voters were assured that if anything happened to Fetterman, his darling wife would be there to make sure the ship continued sailing smoothly. It was soon reported that Mrs. Fetterman was the one with outsized political ambitions.
In (and Out) of Office
While in office, Fetterman has supported the most Left-wing policies imaginable—all while dressed like a Bolshevik! (How fitting). Then came Fetterman’s disappearance from the Senate in which it was soon discovered that he was being treated for depression.
That’s right, a man belonging to one of the most powerful chambers in one of the three branches of government for the world’s sole remaining superpower is going through deep psychological problems.
Fetterman was not only allowed the time to deal with those problems—on the taxpayer’s dime, of course—but he was welcomed back to the Senate with open arms … and a charitable new dress code that allows for hoodies and crocs.
Well, at least for elected public servants.
The rest of us (you know, the voters) are still required to wear proper attire when going on tours or having meetings on Capitol Hill. Because, democracy.
The Senate Republicans, who have proven themselves to be so bold and cunning in legislative battles, were thankfully able to find the time out of their busy schedules to hold the line against the Democratic Party’s new Senate dress code.
They drew a line in the sand and would allow no one to cross it. You know what? It worked.
New Senate Dress Code
New Senate dress rules have been made to ensure that all members are dressed appropriately when in session. Now, don’t expect the Senate Republicans to have the same gumption with the national debt, managing the threat of China, or curbing inflation.
No. Wearing appropriate dress in the Senate is something that each one of those Senate Republicans must live with every day. That’s far different from all those other problems facing the hoi polloi.
Anyway, Fetterman’s style of dress is not part of his “Working-Class” schtick. How could it be? Fetterman comes from one of the wealthiest families in Pennsylvania! No, Fetterman’s decision to bum around the Senate Chamber in hoodies and shorts is a sign of how little Fetterman cares about representing his voters.
He wants everyone to think that his voters are slobs. What’s more, his attire choices are reflective of the same kind of entitlement mentality that defines not the working class of America, but the upper class.
John Fetterman is just another wealthy Leftist who thinks the rules don’t apply to him. He’s also got a lot of problems that he should be focused on addressing – rather than using public office as a place to exorcise his demons.
The really amazing thing with all this is that the Trump-backed candidate, Dr. Oz, couldn’t defeat Fetterman.
Senator John Fetterman is a cartoonish figure operating in an absurd time. We should, sadly, expect more behavior like this before things are truly corrected in this country. And that won’t happen until we start electing the right sort of people to high office.
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor and an energy analyst at the The-Pipeline, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert occasionally serves as a Subject Matter Expert for various organizations, including the Department of Defense. He can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
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