Throughout the 2020 Presidential Election, Joe Biden insisted that he had no involvement with any of the illicit international business dealings that his wayward son, Hunter Biden, has been engaged in.
But new messages saved on Hunter Biden’s personal laptop that have made their way to the press prove that the forty-sixth president is a skilled liar.
In fact, Joe Biden was keenly aware of his son’s perfidy–he even seems to have condoned the activities, as he had several meetings with Hunter’s overseas “clients” on his electronic schedule.
There are now even pictures of Joe Biden with multiple Hunter Biden overseas associates.
Problems for Team Biden
Meanwhile, a recording from Hunter’s purloined laptop has been released to the public in which a detailed account of Hunter Biden’s activities with the head of the Chinese state-owned entity, CEFC China Energy Company, Ye Jianming, is detailed.
Hunter’s relationship with Ye and his company are of particular interest to the House Republican investigation into the Biden Family’s alleged corruption.
In 2012, while he was Barack Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden traveled to China on Air Force Two along with his son and one of Hunter Biden’s colleagues. While then-Vice-President Joe Biden met with the Chinese government counterpart, Hunter met with Ye Jianming and secured a massive “investment” from CEFC China Energy Company for a hedge fund that Hunter Biden was representing.
Hunter got a large cut of that deal while it is believed Hunter shared his cut with his father (and likely the rest of his family).
It should be noted also that Ye went on to be arrested by his own government for corruption.
Beginning in 2018, revelations about the extent and nature of Hunter Biden’s illicit dealings with a variety of shady actors on the world stage were becoming known. By the time Joe Biden was running for president of the United States, his handlers recognized the grave risk that the Hunter Biden scandal posed to what was an already tenuous presidential campaign (remember, Biden struggled mightily even to secure the Democratic Party’s nomination that year).
They concocted a scheme to distract and diminish the severity of Hunter Biden’s international influence-peddling business. By getting over 50 former US intelligence officials (all of whom were virulent “NeverTrump” types) to sign a letter written by the Biden Campaign essentially saying that any accusation of impropriety made against Hunter Biden by the Trump Campaign in 2020 was nothing more than “Russian disinformation”.
By getting so many prominent former (sort of) intelligence officials to put their names to that obvious cover story, the Biden Campaign was able to then get the censorship-crazy, Republican-hating, Trump-bashing mainstream media and social media firms to work overtime to suppress any person or organization sharing information related to the Hunter Biden story.
This led to the infamous censoring of the legendary, widely read, Rupert Murdoch-owned, New York Post. It turned out that the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s illegal schemes was accurate.
Hunter Needed “Safe Harbor”
Things were so bad for Hunter from 2018-2020, that the increased public scrutiny seems to have driven the bent Hunter Biden over the ledge. It was during this time that he isolated away from his family, began imbibing a hefty, toxic cocktail of drugs and alcohol, and pursued unhealthy relationships with hookers.
Hunter was spiraling. But the real reason he was spiraling was that Hunter, having been at the epicenter of his father’s legendary, decades-long corruption, likely feared that the whole enterprise was going to be hung around his neck.
Indeed, Hunter was the public face of this entire endeavor that the world has since learned involved every direct family member of Joe Biden. And now the recent releases from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” indicate that, as per the Republican Party’s suspicions, President Biden was intimately involved in his son’s corruption. In fact, it is likely that the senior Biden was the architect of these schemes and Hunter was merely the front man.
Hunter himself has alluded to this in leaked What’s App messages with his oldest daughter from 2019. In those emotional messages to his daughter, Hunter Biden laments the fact that he has been made to be his father’s worker drone, traveling abroad, with his hat in hand, begging for massive amounts of money from foreigners in exchange for exclusive access to his father, and then having to share the profits from those risky endeavors with his old man.
Hunter tells his daughter that he hopes when she’s older, she can fulfill the function that Hunter had fulfilled for the Biden Syndicate. He then reassures his child not to worry, he won’t take any of the money she makes as his father routinely does.
In this context, then, it makes sense why in 2018, the Biden Family was desperate to find Hunter, who had disappeared in a well of drugs, sex, and alcohol, and bring him to a “safe harbor”.
Sure, they probably were worried that a member of their family was in danger.
More importantly, though, Hunter Biden is the key to unlocking the extent and nature of the entire family’s corruption. If he were to be found either by the media or the authorities and questioned in his deteriorated state, he could have compromised the entire family and rained on their decades of money making. The man might have said anything to anyone in the state he was in. He needed to be found and put under strict isolation so as not to threaten his entire family.
The Trump Impeachment Better Understood
The reason that former President Donald J. Trump was impeached in 2019 was for an infamous phone call he placed to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Trump had been goaded into calling his Ukrainian counterpart by Rudy Giuliani, who was the pugnacious pursuer for Trump of all things related to Hunter’s reputed corruption.
In his phone conversation with Zelenskyy, Trump implied that he might tether critical lethal military aid for Ukraine to his need to gain access to information about Hunter Biden’s corruption that could only be found in Ukraine, from Hunter’s bizarre time on the board of a major Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma (Hunter sat on that board alongside the likes of former CIA Counterterrorism Center Director J. Cofer Black and the former president of Poland).
While Trump should not have demanded quid quo pro from his Ukrainian counterpart, what he did was not worth an impeachment. And the only reason that Trump was impeached was less because of his insinuation that he’d cut off vital military aid that Congress had already authorized for Ukraine and more because he was clearly very near to discovering on his own the extent of Hunter’s illicit business schemes.
Had Trump managed to uncover that truth, no amount of obfuscation from the Biden Campaign would have stopped the media from covering it. What’s more, the truth of the Biden Family’s corruption coming out when Trump wanted it to would have likely swayed the election in Trump’s favor–even with all the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic eviscerating Trump’s standing with the electorate. Americans rightly hate corruption.
You Can’t Cover the Truth Up Forever
The truth will be out, though. Hunter’s corruption is so pervasive that, like a Jenga tower, once one piece of the great lie is pulled out, the entire edifice will collapse in on itself.
Once that happens, Joe Biden will have been revealed to be the true mastermind of these illicit influence-peddling schemes. The only real question will be whether the truth outs itself before or after the 2024 Election. In any event, I suspect Joe Biden will be done for.
From 19FortyFive: Are We Watching the End of Donald Trump?
From 19FortyFive: Liz Cheney: Could She Join the Democratic Party?
From 19FortyFive: Liz Cheney: The Next President of the United States?
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.