Why Democrats View Kamala Harris as ‘Lightweight’ – Some vice presidents like Walter Mondale grew into the job.
Still, Kamala Harris has increasingly proven to Americans, including fellow Democrats, that she lacks the temperament and intellect for the vice presidency.
What One Reader to FT Wrote on Kamala Harris
“I am a liberal Democrat who supported Karen Bass when Joe Biden was considering a running mate (“The Kamala Harris question”, Opinion, May 18). Like many Democrats, I thought then and think now that Kamala Harris is a lightweight who has only confirmed that during her two-plus years in office,” Harold M Sklar of Chevy Chase, Md., wrote in a letter to the editor in The Financial Times.
Sklar argues that Harris cannot be replaced as vice president; however, replacing vice presidents has not been unknown in history. He noted that Abraham Lincoln had two vice presidents and Franklin Delano Roosevelt had three during his four terms.
“Just as Dan Quayle was selected to attract ‘the younger voter’, Harris was selected to satisfy two constituencies indispensable to a successful Democratic presidential victory — black and female voters. And it is just for those reasons that Biden cannot replace her on the ticket,” Sklar wrote.
Harris Constantly Embarrasses Herself
Kamala Harris has scarcely missed an opportunity to embarrass herself and the country she represents with strange comments or by leaving people with the impression she’s possibly intoxicated during her public appearances.
Some vice presidents like Dick Cheney or Richard Nixon end up with outsized influence on their administrations and the world.
Then there is Kamala Harris.
Harris showed with her support for Joe Biden’s Afghanistan pullout that she is just a yes woman.
Her African trip had few successes. Her stopover in Ghana resulted in her being upstaged by its president and speaker of that nation’s parliament. Her effort to promote LGBT rights was slammed by the speaker. In attempting to push Ghana to distance itself from China, she provoked a backlash.
Africa has become an important part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Instead of showing she has strong diplomatic skills, she failed.
“There may be an obsession in America about Chinese activities on the African continent, but there’s no such obsession here,” Ghanian President Nana Akufo-Addo said.
Following the Chinese spy balloon crisis, Kamala Harris appeared to minimize what had happened and defended Joe Biden’s decision to wait until it had completed its mission to shoot it down. Thus, she shared in her boss’s weakness.
“We wanted to do it in a way that would ensure that there was no harm to the American people, but in a way that we could also preserve what we could then investigate from a forensic perspective,” Harris said.
Instead of showing strength, Harris argued that the balloon incident should not impact U.S.-Chinese relations. She emphasized that the U.S. should not approach China from the perspective of “conflict or confrontation.” It should instead treat China as a competitor, not a nation that violated U.S. airspace and committed an act of aggression against her country.
Democrats Slam Kamala
Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard expressed severe reservations concerning Harris’ lack of ability regarding foreign policy matters in the past week.
“The foreign-policy decisions the commander-in-chief makes are decisions that person alone makes. Kamala Harris is completely unqualified and not only lacks because you not only need the knowledge and experience but also the temperament to serve in that position,” Gabbard said.
Harris Invited Dan Quayle Comparisons
Quayle tried running for the presidency in his own right in 1999; however, he failed to gain traction. Harris likely will go down in history along with vice presidents like Mondale and Quayle who attempted to run for president, but failed should she run in 2028.
“I believe she will not do that, hoping that she will gain the ultimate prize in 2028. However, I anticipate that, like Quayle (who was never nominated) or former vice-presidents Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale (who lost in the general election), Harris does not have the horsepower to go further, and as Edward Luce pointed out, she may be a lodestone to the campaign in 2024,” Sklar wrote.
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John Rossomando was a senior analyst for Defense Policy and served as Senior Analyst for Counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for eight years. His work has been featured in numerous publications such as The American Thinker, The National Interest, National Review Online, Daily Wire, Red Alert Politics, CNSNews.com, The Daily Caller, Human Events, Newsmax, The American Spectator, TownHall.com, and Crisis Magazine. He also served as senior managing editor of The Bulletin, a 100,000-circulation daily newspaper in Philadelphia, and received the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors first-place award for his reporting.