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Donald Trump Might Try to ‘Break the Constitution’ If He Wins in 2024

In this possible future scenario, Donald Trump will have been a haphazard president who became a lame duck by his second term and then refused to leave office.

President of the United States Donald Trump speaking at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
President of the United States Donald Trump speaking at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.

Donald Trump Will Try for a Third Term – Picture this: The year is 2027 and the country’s two political parties are anticipating a raucous presidential election a year later in which no party has an incumbent running. It is basically an open country. There was much talk about a generational shift in the United States’ political system. At last, the gerontocracy was fading away due to old age and the next generation was arising to replace them. 

Whoever won the 2028 Presidential Election would be someone fresh and new. 

Or so we think…

Will Trump Finally Drain the Swamp? Or Become Ensnared By It (Again)?

For its part, the country had experienced an uneven four years of the second Trump term in office. Having won another unlikely victory in 2024, Donald Trump set about “draining the Deep State.” 

Technically, he did achieve some degree of success here. 

But not before being bogged down in yet another impeachment scandal over improperly firing federal employees. Most Americans, though, rightly cheered Trump on. Few Americans, after all, like bureaucrats—least of bureaucrats they think are corrupt and living far too lavishly off the public dole.

Donald Trump, as always, had a large cast of enemies arrayed against him in Washington. Sadly, those enemies were very effective in stymying him in much the same way that they were in slowing his time in office during his chaotic first term. 

And Trump did, in fact, get rid of many of the corrupt elements of the “Deep State”—only to replace them, though, with people that the America First Policy Institute chose. These individuals were hardly the “MAGA”-type Republicans voters were promised. Instead, they were the same old Bush era retreads who had simply repackaged themselves as MAGA, Inc.

Nevertheless, as he often did, Trump had claimed some semblance of a victory. 

Donald Trump Gets Crushed by the Centrifugal Forces of US Politics

The 2026 Midterms proved to be as disastrous for Trump as the 2018 Midterms had. While he had again survived impeachment, the threat of another impeachment trial loomed large as his political enemies took majorities in Congress. 

It was again the female vote that galvanized the Democratic Party into action against Trump and had swept that off-year election, as Democrats became convinced that Trump and his party were going to permanently ban abortion (although the president never intended on doing this, he constantly teased this at his rallies which were fewer and far between, as the amount of people attending them decreased each year).

By 2026-27, Trump was a lame duck. A hostile Congress blocked whatever major legislation he sought to achieve while they relentlessly investigated him over every minor flub or derogatory social media post. The forty-seventh president didn’t make it any easier on himself. Having learned nothing and forgotten nothing from his tumultuous first term in office, Trump constantly made scandals into crises with his incessant need to vocalize every inside thought that entered his mind. 

Then there were the continual staff turnover

Just like his first term, those serving in the second Trump Administration endured the Thanos-like fate of existing in Trump’s orbit one day and then, with a simple Truth Social post, vanishing from the White House grounds the next—as if they had never worked there in the first place. 

And since this was said to be the final Trump term in office, the infighting was especially vicious, as most of Trump’s inner circle knew that their days as valued insiders would evaporate the moment their boss left the Oval Office for good. 

They all struggled to get their names in the press, in order to garner the attention of the vast Right-wing media machine. This dynamic only added to the ineffectualness of the Trump Administration’s second term in office. 

So many vital policies that needed to be enacted simply withered on the proverbial vine because the commander-in-chief was too distracted by whatever inanities dominated the day on social media or because he was too busy involving himself in the petty, interpersonal drama of his staff.

It Won’t Be All Bad—But Will You Care? 

The economy, though, did very well. Americans were making money. Some tax reform managed to get passed which helped most Americans—notably the besieged middle-class. 

Through the chaos of his reign, sadly, Trump was never given enough credit for this. He had also, much like his first term office, managed to keep the country out of any new wars. But Americans were tired and looking for something different. They welcomed the fact that Trump was term limited by the Twenty-Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

As Trump’s days in office winnowed down and he became an afterthought for an electorate that was desperate to move on from the last decade of unstable politics, the former reality television star just couldn’t give up the spotlight. 

Especially because, as he told audiences, he was “just getting started.” Trump had spent years since his first term in office alluding to the fact that he believed he should be allowed to run for an unconstitutional third term in office. 

Donald Trump Isn’t Going to Leave

Donald Trump had already proven his unwillingness to leave after losing in 2020.

He went off-the-deep-end back then with his inability to accept a defeat in the election. With the prospect that he will be viewed as not having accomplished half of what he said he would, or with the notion that he’ll have to go off into that political sunset forever dogging his every thought, Trump might decide to try to give things another go—even at the risk of creating a constitutional crisis. 

It wouldn’t be the first constitutional crisis that defined Trump’s time in office.

With the perception that his presidency was nowhere near as successful as his bluster made it out like it’d be, Trump would seek to again blame the Faceless Men who’ve made his public life so miserable for years for whatever failures may have occurred during his time in office. His second term will be a repeat of his first term. The country cannot afford this again. We need the policies but not the politician. 

Why Wait to Get Rid of the Geezers Until 2028? 

In this possible future scenario, Donald Trump will have been a haphazard president who became a lame duck by his second term and then refused to leave office, opting instead to defy the constitution, and run again to soothe his Jupiterian ego, consequences to the country be damned. 

This is no way to run a country. 

Why wait until 2028 to move the ball forward? Let’s do it now, in 2024. It’s time to get rid of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump before their senility irreparably harms the United States. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.