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Kamala Harris Is Starting to Scare the American People

Dazed, confused, and totally out of her depth this is Kamala Harris. She’s proven unable to get better. Given the level of incompetence running our country today, Harris is exactly where she should be: helping to take our country off the cliff. God help us if she ever became president.

Kamala Harris. Image by Gage Skidmore.
U.S. Senator Kamala Harris at a fundraiser hosted by the Iowa Asian and Latino Coalition at Jasper Winery in Des Moines, Iowa. By Gage Skidmore.

Dazed & Confused: The Kamala Harris Experience – “As you have mentioned, we have here today, this afternoon, a wide-ranging discussion,” began the next entry in what I like to call the Kamala Harris Experience from a speech in late March. Speaking with certitude while making absolutely no sense seems to be the hallmark of a Kamala Harris speech. 

Kamala Harris Makes the Brain Hurt 

The vice-president begins her speeches with a wide-eyed sense of wonder, grabbing the side of the podium, leaning in the longer she warbles—the intensity of her raspy voice increasing, trying to draw her rapt audience in—all while she says nothing meaningful. 

And I don’t just mean that she’s an empty pantsuit (of course, she clearly is). What I am saying is that most of the speeches Kamala Harris gives literally make no sense. 

She may as well be speaking another language. Perhaps she is and we just don’t it. 

The cameras during the speech are tightly trained on her as she waxes ineloquent about whatever topic the Biden Administration has given her. The close angle gives her an air of authority that comes with her office, the longer she talks—especially if the camera is closely trained on her—the more you start to question your own sanity. 

There’s no possible way the second-most-powerful individual in the US government is speaking gibberish, you think to yourself. It must be me…

The closer to the end of her speech, though, the camera slowly zooms out. It is usually at that point that one’s self-doubt about their own comprehension and sanity goes away. Whether standing on stage with a foreign leader or talking to a gaggle of sycophantic reporters, the look of sheer terror on the faces of her audiences and fellow speakers confirms that you, the listener, are not insane. 

You are in the presence of an inarticulate politician representing something far more sinister than you realize: an utterly incompetent and disconnected presidential administration that is struggling to keep everything together, both at home and abroad. An administration that is so ambivalent about the needs and aspirations of the American people that they continue to disrespect us by shoving the Kamala Harris Experience down our throats and telling us that this truly is the best of the best. 

From Barack Obama 2.0 to Dan Quayle without the Panache

Remember, Kamala Harris was dubbed as the next generation—the best of that next generation—of Democratic Party leaders.

There were rumors throughout the 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Campaign that Harris was secretly the favorite pick of former President Barack Obama and his wife, former First Lady Michelle Obama (even more than Obama’s own former wingman, Joe Biden). 

In fact, when Harris was named as Biden’s number two after the tough DNC Primary in 2020, many Democratic Party insiders breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing full well that Mr. Biden was shaky at best because of his age. These insiders were reassured that Harris, an otherwise healthy, 58-year-old well-educated woman, with political leadership experience, would be there always behind Biden. 

Never before have such high hopes crashed to reality so quickly.

In the wake of Harris’ consistently awful public performances (to say nothing of her abject policy failures), some pundits have likened her to a real-life Vice-President Salena Myers, Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ titular character from the hit HBO series, Veep. Although, that series was a comedy excoriating America’s imbecilic political class (of which Dreyfus’ character was a key member in the show). Yet, neither Harris nor her bloated staff have done much to reassure the American people (or the people of the world) that the American vice-president is competent. 

From VP to Veep

If Biden truly is running for reelection—a big “if” these days looking at his health and mental competency—then Harris needs to step up her game to get the Biden Campaign through to victory in 2024. She needs to prove her worth.

Thus far, the Kamala Harris Experience, unlike the magic of Barack Obama’s campaign style, leaves people befuddled, concerned, and somewhat angry at the gobbledy-gook they are subjected to. As vice-president, Kamala Harris has been the least inspiring and most concerning individual we’ve had in that role in years. The entire point of a vice-president is to reassure the public that there’s a solid backup ready to lead, should something awful happen to the president. 

What does it say when the octogenarian President Joe Biden, who shakes hands on stage with people who aren’t there, is more reassuring than his younger, much ballyhooed number two?

Or, as Vice-President Harris might say, “Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.” 


For a presidency run by an addled, barely cogent, possibly compromised older politician in Joe Biden, somehow having a completely incoherent vice-president seems par-for-the-course. In fact, in the words of former President Obama, Harris is the “one we’ve been waiting for.” 

Dazed, confused, and totally out of her depth this is Kamala Harris. She’s proven unable to get better. Given the level of incompetence running our country today, Harris is exactly where she should be: helping to take our country off the cliff. God help us if she ever became president.

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who serves as a Senior Editor for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.