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Kamala Harris Should Never Be President

The American people must understand the deep problems associated with a potential Kamala Harris presidency and must be persuaded by the Republicans to keep her and her boss, Biden, as far removed from the White House as possible. 

Kamala Harris. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
U.S. Senator Kamala Harris speaking with attendees at the 2019 National Forum on Wages and Working People hosted by the Center for the American Progress Action Fund and the SEIU at the Enclave in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kamala Harris: Could She Really Become President? Given Joe Biden’s advanced age, despite what the Democrats will have you believe, the choice of his vice-president is far more important than a vice-presidential pick would normally be. President Biden has chosen poorly in his number two. 

While it made sense to bring in a female of color, the selection of Kamala Harris has done little to help Biden’s collapsing approval rate. In fact, when paired with Harris’ abysmal approval rating, it’s a miracle that Joe Biden and his team even thought Harris would be a reliable pick.

Kamala Harris Is a Problem

Harris is not just deeply unpopular with Republican voters. She’s resented by many African-American males because of her harsh crime policies from her days serving as the California attorney general. 

Plus, she has done little to inspire confidence over the years as vice-president. Awkwardly cackling her way through press conferences while failing to achieve anything in the policies she was assigned by Biden, it remains unclear as to what Biden expects of Harris. 

Think about it: Kamala Harris has a terrible record. She is disliked. Harris has demonstrated a surprising inability to achieve anything other than rancor. 

How can this be of any help to Joe Biden? How could she believably take over for Biden if something, God forbid, happened to him during his possible second term? 

Can Americans live with a President Kamala Harris

Americans Won’t Stand with Kamala

Democrats are clearly quietly hoping for this outcome. After all, she is the answer to their superficial, secular prayers and dreams. A female of color who has a history of being tough on crime, Democratic Party operatives love her. 

She’s younger than Biden, too, which is a major bonus (because everyone on the Left is licking their proverbial chops for when Biden finally kicks it). And she’s super Liberal. 

Harris checks out for every Democratic Party powerbroker living today. 

Of course, she doesn’t do so well with voters. But when has that ever stopped the Democratic Party? 

This is the party that let Hillary Clinton, a woman who reminded every man of a certain age of their ex-wives as the late, great Rush Limbaugh loved to say, run multiple times to be their nominee. 

Democrats will force their candidates down your throats. Sometimes they can’t get away with it, as in Hillary’s case. 

With the Harris example, though, if her rise were to be stage-managed by the proper sort in the right order, she absolutely could slide into power.

That is why Harris should become a more serious target of Republican attacks. Right now, the only person who is making the case against Harris is Nikki Haley

The problem is that no one likes Nikki Haley outside the board of Boeing. 

Still, Haley is correct to pursue Harris (although, Haley’s ceaseless attacks on Harris borders on the obsessive and creepy). 

Biden Won’t Last Long in His Second Term

A likely scenario that plays out is that Joe Biden wins a narrow reelection in 2024 and is sworn in as president, where he either promptly resigns due to old age or dies of old age early in his second term. 

Once that occurs, Harris is automatically elevated to the presidency, thereby skirting the unstable eddies and currents of American electoral politics (since Biden will have taken most of the brunt of those political attacks). Harris gets to coast into office and be insulated from the will of the people for at least four years. 

Imagine the radical policies—the damage—to the United States she could do. And almost no one is really talking about Kamala Harris or the dangers she poses to our republic, should Biden win and be unable to complete his second term in office. 

Biden’s Age and Kamala’s Presence on the Ticket Should Define GOP Attacks

Biden’s age will definitely be more a factor than it normally would be as we enter the contentious 2024 Presidential Election cycle. 

If Republicans were smart—a very big if these days—they’d attach their criticisms of Biden’s advanced age to attacks on kooky Kamala Harris. 

The American people must understand the deep problems associated with a potential Kamala Harris presidency and must be persuaded by the Republicans to keep her and her boss, Biden, as far removed from the White House as possible. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.