President Biden is technically running for re-election, but you wouldn’t know it from his behavior. Numerous gaffes have marked his week and the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency looms larger than ever. What would a Harris presidency look like?
Time For Kamala Harris?
Some 66% of respondents in a new Harvard poll said they don’t believe Biden is fit to be POTUS and won’t last long in office even if he wins in 2024. The news makes the prospect of a President Harris even more topical as we head into the thick of the 2024 cycle.
“If you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely,” said GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley.
If Harris did end up taking over the Oval Office, what would be her policy focus? Who is closest to Harris and who’s funding her?
Harris’ Inner Circle
Harris’ office has a notoriously high turnover rate.
Many of the vice president’s former staff have complained of a bullying and tense atmosphere under her and say she rarely reads briefing material and then blames and berates staff.
Longtime Harris aide Larry Wallace left in 2018 when his settlement of a sexual harassment lawsuit came to light, while others such as communications chief Ashley Etienne and domestic policy adviser Rohini Kosoglu left under unclear circumstances along with dozens of other staff, including former Harris chief speechwriter Meghan Groob.
Former chief of staff Symone Sanders and former spokeswoman Sabrina Singh say they left for purely career-related reasons.
Harris tapped Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign adviser Lorraine Voles a year ago to replace outgoing chief of staff Tina Flournoy, who reportedly left for “personal reasons.”
Harris has a tight group of friends and political insiders who look up to her and helped back her run up the ranks of California’s left-wing political machine, including San Francisco Sun-Reporter publisher and early supporter Amelia Ashley-Ward and her sister Maya Harris, an author and political consultant who served as a senior adviser for Clinton’s unsuccessful 2016 run.
Harris also calls upon industry veterans like longtime Clinton insider and adviser Donna Brazile and former Bill Clinton adviser Minyon Moore and maintains ties with Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Senator Alex Padilla, but she has nowhere near the rolodex of somebody like former California Governor Jerry Brown, for example.
“She is sort of the antithesis of how Jerry Brown was, somebody with a rolodex of 50,000 people who would call Sam Nunn one day and Bono the next. She’s someone who keeps a very, very tight circle,” said former Harris adviser Brian Brokaw.
Who’s Running the Money?
Pro-abortion political action committee (PAC) EMILY’s List recently announced that they will be funding over $10 million for Harris’ reelection as VP and are one major support faction that has emerged. Biden and Harris met with over 150 major donors in late April at the Salamander Hotel in Washington, DC, and are on track to exceed 2020 fundraising. The Biden-Harris campaign expects to raise over $1 billion and an additional $1 billion in outside funding for this cycle.
The biggest donors and PAC-backers for Biden-Harris reelection include Google parent Alphabet, Inc., Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Meta as well as big-money PACs like Future Forward USA, American Bridge, Unite the Country and Priorities USA.
Does Harris Have a Chance?
Harris has spent a great deal of time emphasizing her opposition to last year’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and enjoys major backing from pro-abortion group EMILY’S List – but despite her younger age, in comparison to POTUS, Harris is also famous for her cackling laugh, verbal gaffes and nonsensical remarks at public functions and speeches.
There’s no doubt that Biden has a chance of winning reelection and Harris could eventually end up replacing him before the end of his second term. However, a short-lived Harris presidency would not be without controversy. Harris’ most recent disapproval ratings are at 56% and she remains one of the least popular VPs in history. Kamala Harris is a disaster candidate who represents the identity politics obsession of today’s Democrat party.
Paul Brian is an author and freelance journalist who has reported for Reuters, BBC and Foreign Policy, and contributed to the Spectator, the Federalist and the American Conservative. He has covered global events from Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East to South America.
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