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The ‘Deep State’ Is Protecting Joe Biden

What everyone knows—or at least deeply fears—is that Hunter Biden is the connective tissue to President Joe Biden. 

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy, Thursday, January 26, 2023, at Steamfitters Local 602 United Association Mechanical Trades School in Springfield, Virginia. (Official White House Photo by Hannah Foslien)
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy, Thursday, January 26, 2023, at Steamfitters Local 602 United Association Mechanical Trades School in Springfield, Virginia. (Official White House Photo by Hannah Foslien)

IRS Whistleblowers Prove “Deep State” Protects Joe Biden – An IRS whistleblower, Greg Shapley, has testified to the House Oversight Committee that’s investigating alleged crimes perpetrated by the First Son, Hunter Biden, that his investigation into Hunter Biden’s finances was stymied by the Department of Justice. 

Shapley’s former deputy, Joseph Zeigler, has further claimed that the Justice Department prevented him from interviewing Hunter Biden’s adult children in regard to Hunter Biden’s finances. 

According to Ziegler, the DOJ informed him that interviewing Hunter Biden’s children—President Joe Biden’s grandchildren—could get them all “into hot water” with the forty-sixth president.

A Stop-the-Presses Moment That Barely Registers

This is a stop-the-press kind of testimony that occurred today on the Hill from two senior, highly respected IRS officials who were responsible for impartially investigating Hunter Biden’s tax crimes. 

Of course, it was barely covered in the media. Yet, every time Donald Trump sneezes in public, the media breathlessly covers it with the “BREAKING NEWS” chyron floating overhead.

The Shapley and Ziegler IRS investigation was far more wide-ranging than previously understood. It was not only pertaining to the recent tax evasion charges that Hunter Biden plead guilty to (in exchange for the DOJ going easy on the First Son). 

Ziegler has previously insisted that the DOJ slow-walked an aspect of his investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes, knowing that Ziegler’s investigation was running up against the statute of limitations and would, therefore, not be a prosecutable crime under the law. 

Both Shapley and Ziegler are likely imploding their careers by coming forward. 

But these two formerly highly ranked and respected federal investigators believe it is their patriotic duty to warn the public about the active cover-up the federal government is engaged in around Hunter Biden’s purported world-spanning crimes.

Why would such an elephantine effort be underway for a bent son of a deeply unpopular US president? Is it all just about protecting the First Family’s supposed dignity?

It’s not.

The system, I believe, is protecting President Joe Biden. He’s been protected since he initially ran for the presidency in 2020. 

The Letter from Hell Protecting the Laptop from Hell

After all, we know that 51 of the government’s top (mostly retired) intelligence experts signed a letter (that was later discovered to have been written by the Biden Campaign itself) castigating the 2020 Trump Campaign’s inquiries about Hunter Biden’s alleged corruption as little more than Russian propaganda. 

With that signed letter, the Biden Campaign was able to get the mainstream media and nearly every social media app to block or censor the story about Hunter Biden’s possible criminality. 

These former intelligence leaders did not place their reputations and access on the line for Biden’s dignity. Or simply because they hated former President Donald J. Trump and wanted badly to see him lose his reelection campaign in 2020 (that was certainly in play). 

There was something deeper at stake: elements of our government clearly had a vested interest in preventing voters from being turned off by Hunter Biden’s abysmal behavior as well as concerned about any possible connections that may exist between Hunter Biden and his father. 

By getting the media to shutter any inquiry into the matter because it was “Russian disinformation”, the government prevented any deeper investigation that might reveal the extent and nature of Joe Biden’s perfidy—thereby empowering Trump and the GOP as they strove to challenge Biden throughout his term in office.

The DOJ’s stunting of deeper probes into Hunter Biden’s finances (which is the aspect of Hunter Biden that must be most seriously looked into by authorities to determine if his illicit businesses did, in fact, have ties to his father) is an outgrowth of this obsessive need to protect President Joe Biden. 

The Truth Cannot Come Out

They cannot risk the truth about the deep corruption of the entire Biden Family leeching out to the press in such a way that not even the mainstream media could dare to ignore it. Should this news break and Hunter Biden’s alleged ties to his father be revealed, it’d scuttle the Biden reelection campaign, leave the Democrats weaker than they’ve been in decades, and breathe new life into the GOP challenge.

The Republicans under Donald Trump have proven themselves to be enemies of the bureaucracy. Recently, Stephen K. Bannon, a close Trump confidant and onetime strategist, openly declared a “holy war” against the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. Former President Donald Trump himself had generated massive support in 2016 by promising to “drain the swamp” that is Washington’s bureaucratic establishment. 

Those in that establishment were listening. 

Whether Trump meant it, or whether he could even implement a strategy meant at rolling back the so-called “Deep State,” no one in those bureaucracies wanted to risk a successful Trump presidency. No one in Washington would be well served by the existence of the people vs. the bureaucracy narrative dominating. So, the bureaucracy set about to preserve itself and destroy the forty-fifth president for even daring to challenge the “Deep State.”

Hence, the constant assault upon the forty-fifth president. 

Of course, Trump rarely helped himself along the way. He caused many of his own problems. Nevertheless, the great pile on was endless—by the same forces that are doing everything in their considerable power to keep the spotlight off Hunter Biden (and, by extension, his father).

The reason that these elements in the government protected Biden had nothing to do with liking the forty-sixth president over the forty-fifth. It’s because, under Biden, their preferred policies and personnel would be championed in ways that Trump and the GOP never would. 

What Ziegler and Shapley are showing us is that the Hunter Biden thing is not just about pictures of his reproductive organs or being caught in flagrante delicto with hookers and drugs. 

Or even that he accepted tens of millions of dollars from Chinese and Ukrainian and other foreign sources without ever having registered as a foreign agent with the DOJ—all while his father was serving in high-ranking positions in the federal government. That’s bad enough. But it wouldn’t elicit the kind of protection and attention that it’s gotten.

Protecting Joe Biden Above All Else

What everyone knows—or at least deeply fears—is that Hunter Biden is the connective tissue to President Joe Biden. 

If the Republicans can shine enough light on and pull on that connective tissue with their investigation, and if that investigation is not hampered by the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. as it has been, then they will likely find evidence of impeachable offenses with which to hang around President Biden’s political neck. 

And that’s the objective here. Removing a deeply compromised president who is probably painfully corrupt.

Clearly, key elements of our government have taken it upon themselves to prevent this from happening. That’s what the Ziegler and Shapley testimonies prove today. God help the republic if the corruption is allowed to continue and both Hunter and his father are protected by the very institutions that are supposed to be investigating their alleged corruption. 

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

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Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.