Who should Ron DeSantis pick for VP? Republican North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson rose to prominence a few years back for his ardent defense of the Second Amendment at a local town hall meeting. The speech he gave was extemporaneous. As he described at the time, he was a working-class man who believed in his God-given right to self-defense.
The speech went viral not only because of the passion with which Robinson spoke but because he was giving that speech as a black man living in the south, in the midst of the national riots that erupted after the unfortunate death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minn.
After that speech, Robinson became a fixture on the Right. Soon, he ran for office and became the lieutenant governor of North Carolina. As an elected official, Robinson helped to push through some of the most conservative policies of any state (other than Florida, of course). Today, Robinson is running for the governorship of North Carolina.
Everything about Robinson is compelling. From hard-scrabble upbringing to a working-class lifestyle before falling into politics, not because he sought out power. Instead, because Robinson was sick-and-tired of watching his country and his rights be chipped away by vicious partisans who seemed to be at war both with the ordinary American as well as the Constitution itself.
Compelling, articulate, and passionate, these are all things that make for an excellent political figure. The fact that he is an African-American gives a certain heft to his arguments that makes it harder for his Democratic Party rivals to besmirch.
The Democrats so often hide behind race to avoid having to answer really tough questions about their policies. Well, Robinson makes it equally difficult for them to attack him—both because he is such a powerful public speaker as well as because he is a black American.
While the days are still far away from when the GOP will have a presidential nominee, given that the first debate is almost upon us, and the Republican Party Primary remains mostly divided between former President Donald J. Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, it might be time to start organizing a shortlist of possible running-mates.
For Trump, he needs a woman, as he is weakest among the female voting bloc of America. But for DeSantis, what with his recent educational policies in Florida that Vice-President Kamala Harris has called racist, he will need an African-American to balance his ticket.
There is no better choice for Ron DeSantis than Mark Robinson.
DeSantis, unlike Trump, isn’t much of a talker. He’s a masterclass executive who has made Florida into the mecca of freedom, prosperity, and conservative values. DeSantis is much more comfortable following through on his promises than he is on making them.
It’s unlikely that DeSantis would do well with either a wallflower or a politician who doesn’t come from an executive background as his vice-presidential pick.
Lt. Gov. Robinson is from North Carolina’s executive branch who now has extensive experience pushing conservative legislation through. Whereas DeSantis is cerebral and analytical, Robinson is a firebreather. Both men, however, are animated by the crises that are presently tearing America apart. They desire not just to talk about the problems we face, but to implement policies that address those problems.
Robinson is popular with conservatives, too. He could also prove to be a useful attack dog against the forty-fifth president and his supporters the closer to voting the country moves to in 2024.
Right now, Trump is walking all over his Republican opponents because they’re too afraid to fight him. I don’t believe that Robinson, if given DeSantis’ number two position, would be afraid to fight—and advocate—for the kinds of conservative policies that we all know would help to heal America.
I truly hope that DeSantis’ team has Mark Robinson on their shortlist for possible VPs. He’d be perfect.
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
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