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The Walls Might Be Closing In on the Entire Biden Family

Yesterday, House Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that his committee would subpoena the Biden family, including the President and his son Hunter, in an influence-peddling case. 

Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking with attendees at the Presidential Gun Sense Forum hosted by Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa. Image Credit: Gage Skidmore.
Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking with attendees at the Presidential Gun Sense Forum hosted by Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa.

Yesterday, House Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that his committee would subpoena the Biden family, including the President and his son Hunter, in an influence-peddling case. 

The Committee recently released new Biden family bank records showing that the Biden’s took in at least $20 million from countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.  

On Mornings with Maria, Comer said, “We are going to subpoena the family. We are putting the case together to win in court. We have caught Joe Biden in so many lies, I can’t even count the number of lies now. So we have put together a case that I think would stand up in any court of law in America.” 

What case do the Republicans have, exactly? 

Comer’s Case Against Biden Family

Comer stated in the same interview, “There’s overwhelming evidence that Joe Biden was very involved in that policy decision.” 

The “decision” Comer refers to is the firing of Ukrainian top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin.  

Republicans claim that money was handed over to the Bidens as a reward for the then Vice President’s pressure to persuade top officials to oust Shokin in March 2016 by leveraging $1 billion in aid to Ukraine. 

They say Shokin was fired because he was investigating Burisma, the oil company where Hunter served on the board. 

However, those on the left deny such a claim. They say Shokin was pushed out because he had failed to pursue corruption among the country’s notoriously crooked politicians. 

Comer also stated, “In that form 1023, the oligarch bragged that it would take investigators ten years to unravel all the different money that he sent the President’s son and the President because they sent it through so many different bank accounts and so many different shell companies.” 

Republicans claim they have proof that the Biden family holds at least twenty shell companies. 

Biden’s Denial

Comer’s warning comes just after Biden snapped at Fox News’s Peter Doocy in New Mexico on Wednesday when the White House correspondent asked the President about his son’s business affairs overseas. 

When Doocy inquired about Hunter’s best friend Devon Archer’s testimony last week that placed Biden on calls with Hunter’s foreign liaisons, the elder Biden responded, “I never talked business with anyone. And I knew you’d have a lousy question.” 

When Doocy retorted, “Why is that a lousy question?” Biden retorted, “Because it’s not true” and walked away. 

Biden has evaded all questions – not like the media has asked any – about his knowledge of Hunter’s involvement with Ukraine and other foreign actors as well as the fact he is being investigated by the House Oversight Committee in conjunction with those ties. 

Any improprieties of the Biden family have been easily deflected by Trump, Trump, and oh yeah, more Trump. 

Donald Trump accusations seem to coincide perfectly with any news coming from the Oversight Committee regarding its case against Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the potential involvement of his father. 

One report demonstrates the disproportionate coverage the media has given to Trump’s indictment versus Biden’s business scandals. 

ABC, CBS, and NBC spent 332 minutes reporting on Trump’s third indictment and 4 minutes and 50 seconds on inquiries into the Biden case from the evening of August 1 through the morning of August 8. 

Comer expressed his frustration with the media’s lack of coverage exclaiming, “I wish the media would ask the president what exactly did your family do to receive this 21 million dollars that the House Oversight Committee has proven. He just continues to say, ‘Well that’s a lie, that’s not true.’ We have their bank records, Maria! Bank records don’t lie.”

Comer says his committee continues to build its case despite the many obstacles the DOJ, the FBI, and the Biden attorneys, as well as the Democrats on the Oversight Committee, have placed in front of it. 

Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor for She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review.

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Written By

Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor for She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.