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‘A Serious Danger’: Michelle Obama Running for President? The GOP Is So Afraid

Michelle Obama. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
Michelle Obama. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

Here Comes Michelle Obama? It’s no secret that the Democrats are saddled – more so than the Republican Party – with a candidate with plummeting approval ratings on top of concerns shared by even liberal voters, that President Joe Biden, who is running for re-election, is too old to serve a second term at the White House.

In addition, Vice President Kamala Harris, who will also do a repeat performance as Biden’s running mate next year, is shaping up to be one of the most disliked and unpopular vice presidents in the history of the country – which pretty much eliminates her as a viable candidate to replace Biden for the presidency.

Which is why Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin say that the Democrats have a nefarious and secret plan they will suddenly spring on the country soon: That of former first lady Michelle Obama as president.

Michelle Obama Could “Parachute” in

On his “Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast, the Texas senator – who once aspired for the presidency himself – said that he said that the “most likely and most dangerous scenario” that the Democrats will do would be that “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”

“I view this as a very serious danger,” he added.

Cruz listed a number of possible alternatives to Biden as presidential nominee for the liberals – Vice President Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and two former presidential aspirants, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren – but said that Obama would outperform them and garner much greater support. The fact that she is a Black woman, Cruz said, would not “infuriate African American women, which is a critical part of the constituency,” nor would it threaten the party, given that her husband previously ran and won as president under the Democratic banner.

Palin agrees with the assessment, saying that “Biden’s out (of the presidential race)” and that it would not be surprising at all if Michelle Obama would be named presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.

Maybe a good idea, maybe not

Rumors that Michelle Obama, who does enjoy immense popularity – she has released an inspirational book, has been a visible figure in many liberal advocacy events, and is even a part of an education children’s food show on streaming giant Netflix – is not new. However, Obama has repeatedly said, on record, that she has no intention of sitting in the Oval Office herself.

“I’ve never expressed any interest in politics. Ever,” Obama said in an interview with media mogul Oprah Winfrey several months ago.

“Politics is hard,” she added. “You’ve got to want it. It’s got to be in your soul… It is not in my soul,” Obama told Winfrey.

She also commented on the divisiveness of the current political landscape as an additional reason why she doesn’t want to run for any political office.

“The minute you declare a party, you’ve alienated the other half of the country,” she said.

Former president Donald Trump also briefly weighed in on the issue, saying in an interview with conservative news outlet the National Pulse that he doesn’t think the former first lady will run for president.

“I don’t see that, no,” Trump said.

Tim Ramos has written for various publications, corporations, and organizations – covering everything from finance, politics, travel, entertainment, and sports – in Asia and the U.S. for more than 10 years.

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Tim Ramos has written for various publications, corporations, and organizations – covering everything from finance, politics, travel, entertainment, and sports – in Asia and the U.S. for more than 10 years.