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‘Trump in Heels’: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Moment Has Arrived

MTG has demonstrated a keen ability to be a major political player, even if her politics are widely panned outside of her home district in rural northwest Georgia. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
Marjorie Taylor Greene. Image: U.S. government,

Marjorie Taylor Greene Breaks Through – Defiant and feisty is how supporters of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) would describe the nationalist-populist who is known amongst her large online fanbase simply as “MTG.” CBS News’ Leslie Stahl referred to MTG as “Trump in High Heels.” Still, others have even less flattering monikers for the Far-Right congresswoman (“insane,” “crank,” etc.). Yet, MTG is unflappable in the face of such virulent criticism. 

And why shouldn’t she be?

In just two years, the Georgia representative who has become a lightning rod on Capitol Hill and across the world as the “Q-Anon Congresswoman” went from the obscure fringe of the GOP to a major player in the House. Now, rumors abound that the former construction-and-local-gym-owner-turned-representative has her eyes set on the United States Senate. Still others, like Steve Bannon, believe MTG envisions herself running as Trump’s vice-president in 2024. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene Fights “Like Hell”

Former President Donald J. Trump clearly adores MTG—even going so far as to promise to “fight like Hell” for Marjorie Taylor Greene if she decided to run for the Senate. In a recent interview with 60 Minutes, MTG was confronted with a bewildered, preening Leslie Stahl who acted more like an elderly grandmother toward a disturbed—possibly mentally challenged—grandchild. 

But MTG did what so few Republican candidates appear capable of doing: giving it back good and challenging to a reporter who came across as condescending and elitist for most of the interview. This behavior on MTG’s part explains why she is so beloved by the base.

When confronted by Stahl about the fact that most of her colleagues view her as insane, Marjorie Taylor Greene had an excellent point: when Republicans first hear MTG speak on a policy or support a bill, they immediately joke amongst themselves about how insane she is. But as soon as those same colleagues get back to their districts and meet with their constituents, they are inundated with calls from their voters to support MTG. These elected leaders invariably return to Washington, D.C., and suddenly find themselves aligning with MTG. It might take time, but this is the pattern, according to the unbothered MTG.

Just look at how far MTG has come in two years. From being kicked off her committees because of her support for former President Trump’s election denialism and the subsequent 1/6 riot on Capitol Hill, MTG was believed to have been a spent force even before she started her political career. But in politics, one can die repeatedly—and be reborn, stronger and more divisive than before. 

By aligning closely with current Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, using her pull with former President Trump to keep him supportive of McCarthy’s desire to become the Republican Speaker of the House following the House GOP’s victory in the 2022 Midterm Elections, Marjorie Taylor Greene was rewarded handsomely with important committee assignments. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes Mainstream? 

Today, MTG finds herself on the House Homeland Security Committee and the House Oversight Committee. In the first case, MTG will have an important say in border security—a star-making policy arena for aspiring members of the Right—in which she could potentially preside over the impeachment of current Biden Administration Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. In the second case, MTG will be part of the unfolding Hunter Biden investigation. This will be another major arena in which Republicans charged with investigating the Biden family will find their star power significantly enhanced. 

All this, plus MTG’s very serious 60 Minutes interview, lends itself to the mainstreaming of Marjorie Taylor-Greene. She’s in the Big Game now. And her stock is only increasing as she continues to deliver for her constituents, the Republican base, and keeps the raucous House GOP together behind Kevin McCarthy. MTG has demonstrated a keen ability to be a major political player, even if her politics are widely panned outside of her home district in rural northwest Georgia. 

Her appeal to the GOP party faithful—as well as to the former president and the current Speaker of the House—makes MTG a force inside the party. Of course, the speed at which she went from being fringe to more mainstream (without ever moderating her outlook) is truly astounding. Because, as Stahl pointed out, MTG has a terrible approval rating outside of her district (at just 32 percent, according to a January Statista polls, she leaves much to be desired if MTG intends to run for wider office). 

MTG’s Rise: A Terrible or Great Sign of Things to Come?

The rise of Marjorie Taylor Greene also heralds a momentous time in the GOP. No longer driven by ideas but instead by grievance and recrimination—not all of which are imagined—the GOP has shifted significantly. It is now a party of the id. Whereas past Republicans attempted to reason and moralize, today’s incarnation of the GOP wants only blood and guts; to “own the Libs.” MTG delivers on all counts. 

But if MTG and the new GOP want to move forward into the next decade, can their firebrand politics attract all but the most rabid ideologues? That remains to be seen. MTG’s approval rating says that she can’t. And the Republican Party’s overall struggle to secure majority votes in every election since the 2018 Midterms indicates that the GOP has hit a wall of diminishing returns. 

Electing more MTG’s might make everyone feel good and united in their rage—and maybe that is enough to fundamentally change the downward political trajectory of the country—but it remains to be seen if Marjorie Taylor Greene can achieve anything more than enhancing her Twitter follower count.

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.