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Joe Biden Is Really Starting To Scare Everyone

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy, Thursday, January 26, 2023, at Steamfitters Local 602 United Association Mechanical Trades School in Springfield, Virginia. (Official White House Photo by Hannah Foslien)
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy, Thursday, January 26, 2023, at Steamfitters Local 602 United Association Mechanical Trades School in Springfield, Virginia. (Official White House Photo by Hannah Foslien)

Joe Biden Gaffes are Biden Being Biden – President Joe Biden’s gaffes give his opponents chances to portray him as out of touch or as aloof.

Republicans have quickly latch onto them to portray the president as a victim of cognitive decline. 

Joe Biden Gives the GOP Ammo To Attack

Fox News host Sean Hannity seized on them earlier in March, accusing the president once again of suffering from “cognitive decline.” 

“We begin tonight with Joe Biden, like many elderly Americans suffering from a very steep cognitive decline, Biden has good days and he has bad days,” Hannity said. “Unfortunately, this week has not been good at all.” 

Hannity nailed Joe Biden for stammering during a Virginia Beach rally and for saying he would raise taxes and for appearing confused during a White House appearance months back.

Biden’s recent misstatements have included suggesting that the women in his administration might not actually be women and laughing at the claim that he was responsible for fentanyl deaths. 

“More than half the women of my cabinet, more than half the people of my cabinet, more than half the women in my administration are women,” Joe Biden said last month during a White House event commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

On March 1, Biden attempted to mock Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. He laughed at her claim that two boys died due to fentanyl overdoses because of him.

“She was very specific recently saying that a Mom, a poor mother had lost two kids to fentanyl, that I killed her sons. The interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the last administration,” Biden said.

Republicans attacked Biden for not being empathetic. 

Biden Piles On

His most recent ones aren’t an exception starting with his laughing at a claim by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene that he was responsible for the deaths.  

A recent misstatement came when he was asked about gay marriage, which caused even some Democrats to scratch their heads.

Biden implied that he had been a supporter of same-sex marriage since high school. Biden voted for the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that defined marriage as between a man and a woman, and gave states the ability to not recognize same-sex marriages from other states. 

“I remember about to get out of the car and I look to my right and two well-dressed men in suits kissed each other. ​… And I’ll never forget it, I turned and looked at my dad and he said, ‘Joey, it’s simple. They love each other​,’​” Biden said.

“​I​t’s just that simple, it doesn’t matter whether it’s same-sex or a heterosexual couple, you should be able to be married,” he continued. “So what is the problem?​” ​​

As recently as 2006, Biden unequivocally stated, “Marriage is between a man and a woman.”

We Have Seen This All Before

Joe Biden has been a gaffe machine throughout much of his political career. His gaffes about his law school grades and plagiarism of a speech by former British Labour Leader Neil Kinnock contributed to his being forced out of the 1988 presidential campaign. 

Gaffes are part of Biden being Biden. 

During the 2008 campaign, one YouTuber compiled Biden’s gaffes that included calling then Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, “Barack America,” saying that you can’t go to a 7-Eleven without seeing an Indian-American, or asking a wheelchair bound California State Senator to standup so the crowd could see him.

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Written By

John Rossomando is a senior analyst for Defense Policy and served as Senior Analyst for Counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for eight years. His work has been featured in numerous publications such as The American Thinker, Daily Wire, Red Alert Politics,, The Daily Caller, Human Events, Newsmax, The American Spectator,, and Crisis Magazine. He also served as senior managing editor of The Bulletin, a 100,000-circulation daily newspaper in Philadelphia, and received the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors first-place award in 2008 for his reporting.