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AOC Declares War on Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez congratulated Left-wing demonstrators for shutting down Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene at a rally sponsored by the New York Young Republicans a few days ago. 

AOC. Image Credit: CBS News Screengrab.

AOC Celebrates Heckling of Marjorie Taylor Greene: Back in April, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez congratulated Left-wing demonstrators for shutting down Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene at a rally sponsored by the New York Young Republicans at the time. 

“Welcome to NYC! Where there are still social consequences for shameless bigotry,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted together with a Statue of Liberty emoji while retweeting NBC News reporter Ben Smith.

Smith’s late Spring tweet noted that Taylor Greene had been drowned out by Left-wing protesters. She was supposed to have spoken against the arraignment of former President Donald Trump back in April in NYC. 

Greene said through a bullhorn that she had come to “peacefully protest” against the “persecution” of former President Donald Trump, who she called “an innocent man.”

“The government has been weaponized against him,” Greene said at the rally. “This is a travesty, and I’m here as a representative and a member of Congress to take a stand and to use my First Amendment right to speak out against this.” 

Smith noted that the counter-protesters were louder and that there were more of them. New York City Democratic Councilman Chi Osse from Brooklyn handed out whistles to drown her out and to keep her from speaking. 

“I’m really here because I detest Marjorie Taylor Greene,” Osse told Hell Gate, a local New York news site.

New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and Democratic City Councilwoman Sandy Nurse from Brooklyn joined Osse in handing out the whistles.

Both Osse and Nurse were supported by Ocasio-Cortez in their last elections.

“I’m just trolling today,” Nurse told Hell Gate. “Marjorie Taylor Greene is a despicable person. She’s a disgusting person, she spits vile lies, and she incites violence. And we’re just here to say, ‘You’re not welcome here.’”

Other Democrats celebrated the incident on social media. 

An account called Big Blue Wave USA that has over 135,000 followers tweeted: “LOL… Marjorie Taylor Greene gives up her protest of the #TrumpArraignment after only five minutes. The warm New York City welcome for her (complete with whistles) was too mush for this snowflake to handle. It’s #Arrestmas in New York City!”  

Greene called the scene in New York “absolute chaos” during an appearance on Wednesday night on Tucker Carlson’s program, before he was removed from Fox News. She claimed it’s exactly what New York Mayor Eric Adams wanted. 

“He threatened me and basically put out a dog whistle for violence against me, and there was a funded text alert that went out naming me by name and telling people to do exactly what that man was doing, hand out whistles and try to create a chaotic scene of violence and assault. And that’s against the law,” Greene said. “They didn’t want me to be able to protest and to use my First Amendment rights, and they wanted violence. 

She continued: “I think they wanted that to happen, because they want to repeat January 6th.”  

Adams warned Taylor Greene on at the time that New York was “not a playground for misplaced anger. He stated prior that she needed to be on her “best behavior” while she was in the city.  

Greene compared what the Democrats were doing to MAGA supporters and Republicans to what happens to political opponents in “Communist countries.”

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John Rossomando is a senior analyst for Defense Policy and served as Senior Analyst for Counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for eight years. His work has been featured in numerous publications such as The American Thinker, Daily Wire, Red Alert Politics,, The Daily Caller, Human Events, Newsmax, The American Spectator,, and Crisis Magazine. He also served as senior managing editor of The Bulletin, a 100,000-circulation daily newspaper in Philadelphia, and received the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors first-place award in 2008 for his reporting.