Former President Donald Trump is under the kind of pressure that would, for any normal human, cause some sleepless nights.
However, if Donald Trump has proven anything in the past eight years, and even over the course of his life, it’s that he is not any normal human.
The reality show star turned politician is facing four criminal indictments amidst a crucial presidential race. He’s been targeted as enemy number one by the political elite and subjected to proven false accusations and the fury of progressive mobs. He may just be, simultaneously, the most vilified and beloved person in America in recent history.
Despite this, Trump has remained relatively calm in the face of adversity, even though most mainstream media outlets like MSNBC claim that “Donald Trump is spending a lot of time thinking about the possibility of going to prison.”
They can’t fathom that a presumably guilty man could maintain such an air of confidence and lay out all the reasons he shouldn’t. They’re dying to see a crack in the veneer. According to MSNBC, “the notion that the former president doesn’t think about jail is about as believable as his not thinking about attention. The guy’s entire identity is predicated on self-preservation; I’d imagine not being incarcerated probably tops that list.”
Apparently, it doesn’t.
Donald Trump: What, Me Worry?
In a recent interview with Megyn Kelly, Trump presented a posture of poise when Kelly told him there is a “realistic chance you could go to prison.”
“You know what? I have a great attitude. It doesn’t affect me at all because I’m fighting for the country, I’m fighting for the people.”
He continued to tout his poll numbers, which give him confidence in his re-election bid.
“I’ll tell you what, the best poll numbers that anyone’s ever seen. I mean these poll numbers are so good and it makes me feel good but I think we’re going to win the election no matter what happens.”
The most recent polls show the former president leading the GOP primary race by between 37 and 42 points and at least tying Biden in the general with a one-point margin on either side.
In her premiere interview for Meet the Press last week, NBC host Kristen Welker questioned Trump about his potential jail time. He repeated the steady posture he held with Kelly.
Unflinching, Trump replied, “No I don’t, really. I don’t even think about it. I’m built a little differently I guess.”
I must admit, this kind of optimism is something I admire in the 45th President despite its, incongruous blissful ignorance. Recently, after receiving a $4,000 vet bill and struggling with severe jet lag, 36 hours without sleep, and lost luggage in Europe – all within the span of five days – I had a complete meltdown. Misfortune is always relative, but considering I’m not facing a potential hard time in jail, my reaction seems inappropriate compared to Trump’s legal woes.
Yet, he persists. Call it whatever you want – narcissism, ego, a blatant disregard for the law – but this man seems to have bullet proofed himself against the harshest of criticisms and the arrows aimed directly at his jugular. I’m taking notes.
About the Author
Jennifer Galardi is the politics and culture editor and opinion writer for She has a Master’s in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and produces and hosts the podcast Connection with conversations that address health, culture, politics, and policy. In a previous life, she wrote for publications in the health, fitness, and nutrition space. In addition, her pieces have been published in the Epoch Times and Pepperdine Policy Review. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.
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