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Donald Trump Is Facing a ‘Legal Tsunami’ Like No Other

A third aide of Donald Trump has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case after agreeing a deal with Fulton County prosecutors.

By Gage Skidmore: Former President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with attendees at the "Rally to Protect Our Elections" hosted by Turning Point Action at Arizona Federal Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.
By Gage Skidmore: Former President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with attendees at the "Rally to Protect Our Elections" hosted by Turning Point Action at Arizona Federal Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.

Donald Trump Sees A Third Co-Defendant Flip in Georgia – A third aide of Donald Trump has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case after agreeing a deal with Fulton County prosecutors.

Kenneth Chesebro, a former lawyer of the ex-president, pleaded guilty on Friday, just one day after fellow lawyer and co-defendant Sidney Powell did the same.

Chesebro was accused of putting forward fake pro-Trump electors in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

He was one of 19 co-defendants, many of whom (including Trump) have pleaded not guilty and deny all wrongdoing.

Chesebro’s Charges

The former Trump lawyer pleaded guilty to a single felony count of conspiracy to file false documents.

However, just before his trial was due to begin on Friday, Chesebro struck a deal with prosecutors just as jury selection began. As a result, the trial will no longer go ahead.

Having first been involved in the Trump campaign’s post-election efforts in Wisconsin, Chesebro expanded into other states including Georgia.

For his actions in the alleged interference, Chesebro was charged with seven offenses, including conspiracy to commit forgery and conspiracy to impersonate a public officer.

As part of the fake elector scheme, the lawyer allegedly wrote a memo providing instructions for how such electors in states like Georgia should meet and cast votes for Trump, rather than Biden.

As part of the plea deal, Chesebro faces five years’ probation, a $5,000 fine, and community service.

He also must provide documents and evidence related to the case and, as with Powell and Scott Hall, must testify in the subsequent trials.

Co-Defendants Flip As Case Builds Against Trump

Fulton County prosecutors have been pursuing Trump in the case as the most high-profile defendant.

So far, three of his former aides have flipped. All have received probation thereby avoiding jail time, but must now testify against their once colleague.

Trump has sought to minimize the number of co-defendants who’ve flipped.

The reportedly broke former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has benefitted from Trump-organized fundraisers with the Republican frontrunner committing his own funds to defend 91 criminal charges across four indictments on top of a political campaign.

In Georgia, the former president faces 13 felony counts for alleged pressure on election officials to overturn the state’s results in 2020.

Atlanta lawyer Rachel Kaufman told the BBC that Chesebro’s plea deal marks another victory for prosecutors as they continue to build their case against Trump.

“The chips are falling and falling on Trump,” said Kaufman. “Chesebro pleading guilty and agreeing to testify truthfully against his co-defendants is the biggest blow yet to any defense they’ve been building. Chesebro was like the captain of Trump’s legal team – and was often the only link between Trump and the other co-conspirators.”

Shay Bottomley is a British journalist based in Canada. He has written for the Western Standard, Maidenhead Advertiser, Slough Express, Windsor Express, Berkshire Live and Southend Echo, and has covered notable events including the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

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Shay Bottomley is a British journalist based in Canada. He has written for the Western Standard, Maidenhead Advertiser, Slough Express, Windsor Express, Berkshire Live and Southend Echo, and has covered notable events including the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.