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January 6 Could Doom Jim Jordan

In a bid for the speakership, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) finds himself under scrutiny due to his role in aiding former President Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election and incite the January 6 insurrection.

By Gage Skidmore. President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a "Make America Great Again" campaign rally at Phoenix Goodyear Airport in Goodyear, Arizona.
By Gage Skidmore. President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a "Make America Great Again" campaign rally at Phoenix Goodyear Airport in Goodyear, Arizona.

Jim Jordan’s Jan 6 Support Raises Concerns Amid Speaker Aspirations – In a bid for the speakership, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) finds himself under scrutiny due to his role in aiding former President Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election and incite the January 6 insurrection. While falsehoods have become commonplace in politics, Jordan’s active engagement in these events sets him apart from his GOP colleagues.

Jordan, much like his GOP peers, has consistently propagated baseless claims, amplifying disinformation and misinformation that align with Trump’s narrative. However, his distinct involvement in supporting the false claims surrounding the 2020 election and the subsequent events of January 6 have raised serious concerns within political circles.

Behind Closed Doors… 

Just days after the November election, Jordan participated in a “Stop the Steal” rally, spreading unfounded election conspiracy theories through right-wing media. He endorsed debunked claims by Trump’s legal team, calling for investigations and demanding that Congress not certify Joe Biden’s victory. Jordan’s involvement extended behind closed doors, actively participating in discussions with Trump and other officials, aiming to subvert the electoral process.

The House select committee’s final report on January 6 revealed extensive details about Jordan’s role in Trump’s efforts to undermine the election results. He was a significant player in Trump’s plans, participating in post-election meetings where strategies to challenge the election were discussed. Jordan’s communication with Trump and his attempts to delay the January 6 joint session of Congress further underscore his involvement.

Despite these revelations, Jordan has not offered a comprehensive explanation or apology for his actions. Refusing to cooperate with the House January 6 committee’s investigation, he faces scrutiny as he nears the position of House speaker. The committee has called for public questioning of Jordan and others involved, emphasizing the importance of understanding their roles in Trump’s attempt to prevent a peaceful transition of power.

Mace Backs Jordan 

Of course, not everyone thinks Jordan’s alleged attitude toward the 6 January events are an issue. Nancy Mace, the representative for South Carolina’s 1st congressional district cited Jordan’s “work ethic” and “ability to just run circles around everyone with regards to policy and pushing forward,” as reasons for her backing his bid for the speakership.

“We’ve been one of the least productive Congresses inside of 30 years and he’s going to be a workhorse for our country,” she told CBS.

Keen To Keep Trump In Power

Thomas Joscelyn, who co-authored the House committee’s report told CNN in light of the news: “Jim Jordan was deeply involved in Donald Trump’s antidemocratic efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election,“

“Jordan also helped organize congressional opposition to counting Biden’s certified electoral votes. None of Jordan’s efforts were rooted in legitimate objections. He simply sought to keep Donald Trump in power, contrary to the will of the American people.”

As the possibility of Jordan becoming House speaker looms, concerns among some corners of DC deepen regarding the implications for democracy. 

By embracing Jordan, some believe the GOP would align itself with an assault on the American republic. 

Georgia Gilholy is a journalist based in the United Kingdom who has been published in Newsweek, The Times of Israel, and the Spectator. Gilholy writes about international politics, culture, and education. 

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Georgia Gilholy is a journalist based in the United Kingdom who has been published in Newsweek, The Times of Israel, and the Spectator. Gilholy writes about international politics, culture, and education.