The Ukrainian forces are also increasingly feeling the pressure of the constant fighting, but as noted in this video there was still a moment...
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The Ukrainian forces are also increasingly feeling the pressure of the constant fighting, but as noted in this video there was still a moment...
For the last several days, news outlets have commented about Ukraine losing Western tanks on the battlefield. And yet, they might be missing an...
On September 29, a Russian Su-27 Flanker fighter jet almost shot down a British surveillance aircraft over the Black Sea.
As winter sets in, the fighting in Ukraine will slow. Both sides will use the downtime to resupply and refit for next year’s warm...
Most Voters Want The Next Congress To Exercise Greater Oversight On Ukraine, Energy And China : New survey suggests Congress should play a larger...
Ukraine Is Secretly Building A New AN-225 Aircraft, the World’s Largest Plane Destroyed By Russia: Antonov State Enterprise, the Ukrainian aircraft manufacturing company headquartered...
Why would Russia fly a cruise missile so close to a nuclear power plant in Ukraine? What risk was there in doing such a...
While Russian losses in the Ukraine war are hot news we rarely get a sense of how Ukraine’s own military is holding up. Now...
Putin has Ukraine’s military on his borders: On day 82 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has been pushing back hard at...
Amid Western outrage at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, Middle Eastern views of the conflict are colored by attitudes toward the West...