An article in British weekly, The Spectator, has taken the time to dissect one of the (many) burgeoning conspiracy theories in American politics: that President Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness and that the DC deep state is now maneuvering to get Joe Biden out of the picture.
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“The theory goes something like this,” Freddy Gray wrote, “the mid-terms are out of the way, Trump’s power is waning, and everybody in Washington knows that Joe Biden is too old and doddery to fight on to the 2024 presidential election and beyond. So, the ‘deep state’ – the secretive powers who really rule America – feels it can now safely shuffle out the old man and bring in another Democratic leader. Dial up the sinister background music.”
The vehicle for pushing Joe Biden out? A fishy classified documents scandal.
Conspiracy theories are a problem and not to be indulged.
Yet, as Gray acknowledges, the idea that Biden has outlived his usefulness and is falling out of favor with the Democratic establishment has elements of truth.
That’s fine. Gray indulges a bit further, however.
“Let’s start with the timing,” Gray wrote. Biden’s documents were discovered on November 2nd, just days before the midterm elections, when Biden’s lawyers were sifting through Biden’s private office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement when they found classified documents that did not belong in a private office. “But was that initial discovery as accidental as Team Biden makes out?” Gray asked. “What were Biden’s private lawyers doing digging about in that office at that time?” Gray supposes the timing may have had something to do with the Republicans being on the verge of winning back a House majority.
Criminality in the Joe Biden family
Gray continues, pointing out that while Trump’s labeling of the Biden’s as ‘the Biden crime family’ is “Trumpian hyperbole,” the Biden family has been involved in some murky business dealings. “There are plenty of dodgy dealings in the Bidens’ past. The shadiest period appears to have been during Barack Obama’s second term, when Joe was still Vice President and the family endeavored to cash in on his influence wherever possible.”
Then, Gray asks a curious question: “what exactly is the purpose of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement of the University of Pennsylvania?” According to the think tank’s website, the center exists to ‘engage Penn’s students and partners with its faculty and global centers to convene world leaders, develop and advance smart policy.’
Gray points out that foreign donations to the University of Pennsylvania tripled after Biden’s center was opened. “How involved was former Vice President Joe Biden?” Unclear.
I don’t know. Gray doesn’t seem to know either.
It’s all speculation – which is of course one of the primary downsides to the scandal Biden is now embroiled within.
People are going to speculate and much of the speculation is going to be harmful.
The speculation is going to hamper the momentum that had been building in Biden’s favor over the last few months.
Now, instead of flouting political successes, Joe Biden is “fumbling awkward replies about a possible scandal – one that is particularly embarrassing for Biden given the piety with which his party lectured Donald Trump about the sanctity of state secrecy.”
Harrison Kass is the Senior Editor at 19FortyFive. An attorney, pilot, guitarist, and minor pro hockey player, Harrison joined the US Air Force as a Pilot Trainee but was medically discharged. Harrison holds a BA from Lake Forest College, a JD from the University of Oregon, and an MA from New York University. Harrison lives in Oregon and listens to Dokken.