Hunter Biden To Appear in Court Monday – Hunter Biden will appear in an Independence County, Ark. Courtroom on Monday for a contempt hearing that could see the First Son hauled off to county jail.
What Did Hunter Biden Do Wrong?
Hunter Biden has not responded to any of the motions by an attorney for former Washington, D.C. stripper Lunden Roberts, and her attorney filed a motion for contempt.
“That all parties are to physically appear for all future court hearings in this matter. The parties will no longer have their appearances excused,” Judge Holly Meyer ruled earlier this month after Biden’s attorney Brent Langdon claimed that Hunter Biden had yet another laptop at a repair shop.
She imposed a gag order on discussion of the specifics of the case in March.
Hunter Biden filed a motion in Arkansas 17th Judicial Court last September claiming his financial circumstance had experienced a “substantial material change.” The same court ruled in 2020 that Biden had to provide health care coverage and child support for their shared daughter Navy Joan Roberts. Lunden Roberts also filed to change her daughter’s surname to Biden, which Hunter Biden has challenged.
“Mr. Biden claims to be nothing more than a Yale-educated attorney/artist who is somewhat financially destitute and needs his child support adjusted,” Roberts attorney Clint Lancaster wrote in a 12-page discovery brief challenging Biden.
The brief continued: “However, for an artist living on meager means, Mr. Biden is living lavishly …He travels the world on the safest and most comfortable airplane in existence — Air Force One,” the attorney added … He also has some of the most expensive attorneys on planet Earth.”
Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell charges $855 per hour for legal work, which Lancaster argued was a sign of Hunter Biden’s wealth and prestige. Lancaster asked who is paying Biden’s bills. He also inquired about how Biden paid for Kevin Morris, a Hollywood attorney who paid his $2 million in delinquent taxes.
The motion also covers Hunter Biden attorneys George Mesires and Brent Langdon, who has been Biden’s primary attorney in this case.
“If Mr. Biden can afford a Washington DC, Hollywood, Chicago biglaw, and the best domestic relations attorney on the Texas side of the Texarkana border, he surely must have income for child support purposes,” Lancaster’s motion said.
Lancaster continued: “Payments to attorneys will show … there is no difficulty that a person with the last name ‘Biden’ cannot fix with a Biden-paid or funded attorney. These payments will evince that there is respect, admiration, power, accolades, and not harassment or hardship due to the name ‘Biden.’ … The plaintiff has evidence that the defendant has not fully disclosed his income sources, residences, assets, and property.”
Lancaster previously challenged Biden’s claim in October and vowed to depose Biden and have a forensic accountant go through his finances. He wanted information about Biden’s artworks being sold by art dealer Georges Berges, which they have been unwilling to provide.