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Joe Biden Is In Crisis

Joe Biden is the master of his political self-destruction. He’s created this mess and he’s incapable of fixing it. Whatever happens to Biden, his presidency is increasingly the stuff of tragedies

US President Joe Biden. Image Credit: Creative Commons.
US President Joe Biden. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

President Joe Biden Is In Crisis for a Number of Clear Reasons: 

We have been led to believe that President Joe Biden is the greatest commander-in-chief since FDR and LBJ walked the Earth (both of whom I believe to be painfully overrated leaders, but I digress). 

In reality, though, Joe Biden is a president under strain. His approval numbers are in the toilet. Biden’s cognitive abilities are understandably in question. More importantly, America under his leadership has declined significantly from where it was even five years ago. 

Presently, Biden is risking a major constitutional crisis over his failure to negotiate in good faith with the House Republicans over the pending debt ceiling vote. Because of Biden’s own arrogance on that matter, he’s supposedly considering unilaterally raising the debt ceiling

A move that, according to his own treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, would trigger a constitutional crisis (because only the Legislative Branch can vote to raise the debt ceiling). 

Joe Biden Bumbles Through Crisis After Crisis 

Meanwhile, Biden is dealing with a major catastrophe at America’s broken southwestern border with Mexico.

Allowing for the Trump era Title 42 policy to end exploded an already out-of-control surge of illegal immigration into the United States that began in earnest from the moment that Biden was inaugurated as president. 

The economy, although the numbers appear to be okay for Biden, is not strong. 

Just look at the price of a carton of eggs. Inflation is absurdly high. Interest rates are stratospheric. Should the United States default on its debt due to a failure to raise the debt ceiling, then, the United States’ economy will collapse. 

Biden Wants to Take Your Guns 

Joe Biden’s social and crime policies have further contributed to the diminishment of his poll numbers as he heads into a contentious presidential election year. Biden seeks to use all means at his disposal to limit and, eventually, deprive Americans of their gun rights. 

This has created a massive backlash from a nation in which around 44 percent of Americans own guns. At the same time that Biden is cracking down on legal gun owners, much to the chagrin of many Americans, the forty-sixth president is going soft on crime everywhere—and encouraging a culture that is soft on crime as well. 

None of these policies are helping Biden gather support as he goes into an election cycle in which he will likely, at this point, face former President Donald J. Trump as his Republican opponent. Initially, it looked as though Biden wanted to face Trump, believing the forty-fifth president to be a fundamentally weak candidate.

Certainly, Trump consistently polls terribly amongst the all-important independent voters. And if Trump fixates on the wrong campaign issues, such as continuing with his election denial claims from the 2020 cycle, he will lose to Biden. 

Yet, Biden’s chances are no longer a slam dunk as so many Democrats assumed they’d be when compared to Trump’s chances in the General Election. 

This has consistently proven out based on multiple polls conducted over the last year. In many polls, Trump is beating Biden by an average of seven points. Of course, in others, Biden is beating Trump by seven points. 

But the polls showing Trump winning should concern Biden, because these polls are coming out in Trump’s favor despite his apparent unpopularity with independent voters. It means that if the Democrats nominate a different candidate (they will not if Biden remains in the race), they’d likely do far better against Trump than Biden would.

As an aside, Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is slated to announce his own bid for the presidency soon.

Most polls indicate that if he is the Republican nominee, he will trounce Joe Biden in a General Election, meaning that Biden’s chronically low approval numbers are real concern for his reelection campaign. 

Biden Can Only Blame Himself

The interesting thing in all this is that Biden’s plummeting popularity is not anyone else’s fault other than his own.

It was Biden Administration policies at the border, with guns, and in this debt ceiling fight that have driven the downward spiral. Trump’s popularity is only increasing because people are increasingly turned off to Biden’s abysmal leadership. 

Joe Biden is the master of his political self-destruction. He’s created this mess and he’s incapable of fixing it. Whatever happens to Biden, his presidency is increasingly the stuff of tragedies. He cannot live up to the expectations foisted upon him in the wake of Donald Trump’s chaotic first term. 

And he cannot seem to get out of the way and let the next generation nominate a newer, younger leader, who just might prove more popular and successful for the Democrats than Biden. All the meanwhile, the Republicans work their way back to popularity all because the Democrats are too arrogant and inflexible as to address the real concerns of voters. 

MORE: Hunter Biden Could Finally Be Charged with a Crime

MORE: Hunter Biden: Could Be Go to Jail?

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.