Democrats Scared of GOP Investigation Into Hunter Biden – The Democrats are desperate to distract as many possible voters in the 2024 Presidential Election away from the ongoing, deeply edifying House Republican investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged nefarious international influence-peddling schemes.
They understand that, if the GOP can get a clean line of sight not just on Hunter Biden, but his various schemes the Republicans can likely make a backdoor connection between the First Son’s supposedly corrupt business practices abroad and the bank accounts of President Joe Biden.
In fact, the House GOP investigation has already determined that almost every member of the Biden Family directly benefited from Hunter Biden’s various schemes. It is certainly not a stretch of the imagination to believe that Joe Biden was also a beneficiary of his wayward son’s twisted ways.
Joe Biden was probably the key beneficiary of Hunter’s business practices.
Ten Percent for the Big Guy, AKA Joe Biden
Hunter Biden’s business associates have said as much when they said that Hunter Biden was required to give ten percent of his earnings to “the Big Guy.” They insist that the “Big Guy” is the name that Hunter gave his father.
There is also a leaked WhatsApp text message chain between the First Son and his oldest daughter in which Hunter Biden complains that “Pop” (the Biden grandchildren’s term of endearment for Joe Biden) makes Hunter give over a cut of all profits he earns.
More recently, Tucker Carlson conducted a long-ranging interview (which has only been partially released to the public) with Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer.
In the course of that interview, Carlson pulls out a copy of a letter that then-Vice-President Joe Biden had sent Archer in 2011. In the letter, Joe Biden apologizes effusively for not being able to break away from his meeting with China’s former President Hu Jintao, because Joe Biden desperately wanted to catch up with Archer to discuss business.
As a consolation prize, Joe Biden wrote a personalized note at the bottom of the formal letter he sent to Archer in which he praised Archer’s business acumen and expressed personal gratitude that Archer and Hunter had “found each other” as business partners.
Carlson rightly expressed bewilderment at both the tone and the contents of the effusive letter to a lobbyist. The former Fox News host even inquired with Devon Archer, who recently testified to the House Oversight Committee investigating Hunter Biden about the nature of his business relationship with Hunter Biden, if the businessman thought it was strange that the vice-president would have expressed a desire to ditch a dinner he was hosting with the leader of the largest country in the world for a visit with a hedge funder/lobbyist who was a business partner of his son’s.
Archer concurred that, upon thinking about the letter many years later—and considering how much legal headaches his partnership with the Bidens ultimately caused him—Devon Archer concurred with Tucker Carlson.
It was strange.
That agreement between Archer and Carlson naturally led Carlson to speculate that there was more to the story than met the eye. To which, Archer further elaborated that the then-vice-president called into critical business meetings that his troubled son was having with key foreign investors.
According to Archer, this happened no less than 20 times in the course of his years’ long business partnership with Hunter Biden and ensured that those foreign investors ultimately gave Rosemont Seneca Partners (the firm that Devon Archer and Hunter Biden led) their business.
A Link Like No Other?
Given that two high-ranking IRS officials have come forward as whistleblowers to report to the House Oversight Committee that their investigations into Hunter Biden were cut down by Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors and FBI investigators because, as one prosecutor told one of the IRS whistleblowers, they’d have to look into both Hunter Biden’s and Joe Biden’s financial records to prove Hunter’s criminality.
Doing so would, according to the whistleblower recounting of their interaction with DOJ prosecutors, cause the DOJ serious problems because of what the financial investigation into Joe Biden’s personal finances would discover.
This is why I say that it won’t be too hard for the GOP to discover some kind of connection between Hunter Biden’s allegedly illicit influence-peddling and his father’s bank accounts. Everyone in the capital knows that these linkages likely exist and, if given the resources, leadership, and time, the House GOP will be able to find them (so long as the DOJ and FBI don’t run too serious of interference).
Another tactic the Democrats have taken besides obfuscation plus censorship has been to either downplay or deflect the charges the GOP is making against the Bidens. A recent Washington Post column Joe Klein is especially cringey in that it is clearly a puff piece meant to deceive the readers about the true nature of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s alleged corruption.
Joe Biden Simply Loves Too Deeply
The headline of the piece reads “How Joe Biden’s Compassion for His Son Blew Up.” Ah, yes, so the 20 or so phone calls that the then-vice-president made at key moments during Hunter Biden’s business dealings that helped seal those deals with foreign investors was just old Joe checking into his disturbed son.
What a guy!
And shame on those mean Republicans for even questioning the beneficence and fatherly love that Joe Biden has for his wayward son.
Then again, though, why would Joe Biden have written that love letter to Devon Archer praising him and gushing about how pleased he was that his son had partnered with such an accomplished businessman, like Archer?
But, whenever censorship of Hunter Biden’s misdeeds and outright lies failed to work, Democrats and their allies in the media routinely deflect.
By desperately trying to make the Hunter Biden scandal a story about the troubled First Son ensnaring his overly concerned—and unsuspecting—dad in his tangled web of deception, the media is attempting to draw upon the sympathies of voters and to make them ignore the case that the Republicans are making.
It’s a classic deception as well as a tell of just how scared the Democrats are.
This isn’t about Republicans relishing in the substance addiction of the First Son or using the First Son to make his presidential father look bad for political purposes. This is about uncovering one of the most extensive alleged global corruption conspiracies ever conceived.
The Republicans Had Better Not Fall for It…
The Republicans are not only doing this for political impacts in the 2024 Presidential Election. They are doing this to uncover the extent of exposure to nefarious foreign intelligence agencies that the Biden Family has.
It’s about protecting national security as much as it is about getting a political pound of flesh from the Democrats.
No matter what pathetic ploys the Democrats employ to distract and stymie the House GOP investigation into the Biden Family, the Republicans must press on. They are so close to uncovering the truth.
It won’t be much longer before they can reliably draw the connections they need to initiate an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Republicans should ignore the noise from the Democrats and the media and simply focus on the task at hand.
This one is for the American republic (or whatever is left of it after the Biden presidency).
A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.
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