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Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden in 2024 Could Be a Historic Mess

If one is to believe the polls about the 2024 GOP Primary, it would appear that former President Donald Trump is likely to be made the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. Should the reality, then, the Democratic Party’s candidate will likely be President Joe Biden. Thus, the country is slated for a replay of the 2020 Presidential Election. 

President Donald J. Trump displays his signature after signing an Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence, Friday, June 26, 2020, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)
President Donald J. Trump displays his signature after signing an Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence, Friday, June 26, 2020, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

Trump and Biden’s Deadlock – If one is to believe the polls about the 2024 GOP Primary, it would appear that former President Donald Trump is likely to be made the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. Should the reality, then, the Democratic Party’s candidate will likely be President Joe Biden. Thus, the country is slated for a replay of the 2020 Presidential Election. 

That race was extremely tight and remains mired in controversy. 

If these two grumpy old men are made the nominees of their respective parties again, Americans, who are very tired of the fallout from the 2020 Election, will be made to endure a similar round of controversy and chaos. People want this pattern to be broken. 

No More Peaceful Transfer of Power

After all, the United States has been known globally for its consistent, peaceful transfer of power every four or eight years. From George Washington to George W. Bush’s experience in the 2000 Florida recount, America had never truly experienced a crisis in the transfer of presidential power. Even after the 2000 recount, the United States returned to some degree of predictability in the legal, peaceful transfer of power. 

That is, until Donald J. Trump in 2020. 

While it is fair for people to have been skeptical of the outcome of the election because of the manner in which various state governments lowered the standards for their mail-in ballots during the COVID-19 pandemic, no real evidence was found to justify former President Trump’s seemingly endless challenge to the outcome of the 2020 Election. 

Yet, the former president has persisted in his challenge to it—even as he and so many of his trusted aides face indictment upon indictment for their words and deeds in pushing through those unsubstantiated election outcome challenges. 

“Sleepy” Joe Stumbles and Slumbers

Meanwhile, President Biden sits—or, more likely, sleeps—in the White House while the most ideologically extreme advisers run the country (right into the ground). 

Under Biden, the economy has struggled under the weight of epic federal spending, which has caused historically high inflation levels (a hidden tax on the already struggling Middle-Class), prompting the desperate Federal Reserve to jack up interest rates to 20-year-highs. 

On the foreign policy front, the aging President Biden seeks to hand the Middle East over to the virulently anti-American Iranian regime, has presided over the collapse of America’s position in Latin America and Africa, has abandoned Afghanistan in the most dangerous ways for US security, is half-heartedly challenging the rising China, and has giddily embraced the prospects of nuclear world war with Russia over Ukraine. 

Plus, most Americans believe that Joe Biden (as well as Donald Trump) are simply too old to effectively run—and manage—the United States in this most dangerous decade. What’s needed today is new leadership from the next generation of Americans. Not the failed policies of either Biden or Trump. 

Neither party’s elite, though, seems to have gotten the message. 

2024: The Most Corrupt Election in US History?

That’s why the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is busily rigging their primary against RFK, Jr., while California’s Governor Gavin Newsom, the best next-generation candidate the Democrats could possibly field in 2024, has already announced he will not run against Biden (Newsom knows the game is rigged). 

Interestingly, it looks increasingly like Michelle Obama might be angling to run if Biden, an octogenarian, is unable to due to his declining health. 

While she is a new leader from the next generation, as a former first lady, wife to the man who is manipulating President Biden from behind the scenes (through those aforementioned radical advisers), Michelle Obama represents a continuation of the past as much as Biden does.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) hasn’t been much better at recognizing the need to embrace a candidate of the future. The RNC has allowed for a multi-sided primary in 2024 to erupt, which only benefits former President Donald Trump’s reelection bid. 

They have allowed the former president to refuse to participate in critical national debates in the primary process, while looking the other way as this compromised, old former president attempts to destroy the Republican Party’s best governor and further lock the party into undoing the past while sacrificing the future.

In fact, the former president might not even be able to appear on the ballots in many—if not all—states, due to a particular interpretation of the “Insurrection Clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. 

There are multiple challenges from both anti-Trump Republicans and Democrats attempting to use this interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment to ensure that Trump, even if he were to win reelection, cannot legally assume the Office of the President of the United States. 

Biden, on the other hand, is likely to be impeached by the House Republicans because of the cartoonish levels of alleged corruption that his son, Hunter, and by extension, the entire Biden Family (including the president) are believed to have engaged in over the course of the president’s time as a senior member of the United States Federal Government. 

End the Gerontocracy

The entire 2024 election is becoming a sham election, given how horribly compromised these two candidates are. And how broken the elites running both parties are that they cannot just agree not to support the grumpy old men in 2024. 

Whatever the polls show now, so early in the election process, there is a real chance that neither Biden nor Trump are the nominees when all is said-and-done, either due to the legal woes both men are enduring or because of their advanced age.

A 19FortyFive Senior Editor, Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as at the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (July 23). Weichert occasionally serves as a Subject Matter Expert for various organizations, including the Department of Defense. He can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

Written By

Brandon J. Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who recently became a writer for Weichert is a contributor at The Washington Times, as well as a contributing editor at American Greatness and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy (March 28), and Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (May 16). Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.