The Embassy
Vladimir Putin is seriously ill, reports have suggested for months and months now. Leaked U.S. intelligence reports from this past spring indicated that Ukrainian...
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Vladimir Putin is seriously ill, reports have suggested for months and months now. Leaked U.S. intelligence reports from this past spring indicated that Ukrainian...
Is Putin Dying of Cancer? Among the many leaked classified materials that emerged in April was a document that could shed some light on...
Unsurprisingly, Ukrainian officials have circulated rumors about Putin’s health in statements, on social media, and in televised appearances.
Two versions have monopolized the Putin health rumors over the last eighteen months of warfare, Parkinson’s Disease and terminal cancer.
President Joe Biden has received significant backlash on social media after claiming his administration had effectively “ended cancer as we know it.” The remark came...
"We ended cancer as we know it," soon spread on social media, as it appeared to be the latest verbal faux pas from the gaffe-prone...
What if Putin has cancer? Rumors abound. How might a condition such as cancer impact his thinking on Ukraine?
To date, there remains little concrete proof that Vladimir Putin is suffering from any illness, including cancer.
As Putin walks with the men, he looks to be experiencing discomfort, walking more slowly than he did only days before when he made...
How Ill is Vladimir Putin? Prior to the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was described as the “sick man of Europe,” while during...