The M1 Carbine is a firearms legend for many clear and obvious reasons. This gun belongs in the history books: – World War 2 was a...
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The M1 Carbine is a firearms legend for many clear and obvious reasons. This gun belongs in the history books: – World War 2 was a...
Ukraine, Taiwan Issues Vastly Differ And Are Not Linked: While outwardly similar in that both countries are facing existential threats with large superpowers wanting...
How could what we’ve learned from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict affect the course of fighting along the Russia-Ukraine border? If Russia invades Ukraine, one result...
A new month has come, but Russia keeps up the pressure in Ukraine. U.S. intelligence assessments have indicated late January and February as the...
Don’t look now, but we may be about to see a Russian version of Desert Storm in Ukraine. Allow me to explain Russia’s potential...
You’ve seen it with terrorists, insurgents, and regular uniformed military personnel: the Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher (RPG). This deadly family of rocket-propelled grenade launchers has...
One of the biggest advantages the U.S. has over its competitors is its global alliances and partnerships. When British Prime Minister Winston Churchill famously quipped that...
It’s Christmas today, but we shouldn’t expect that conflicts around the world will take much of a pause. We would like to think that...
Those 85 days saw some of the worst fighting of the war. It was an inch by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard...
Was the Russian T-34 Tank The Best Tank of World War II? – The Allied victory over Nazi Germany was won on the back of...